Music Window Condition when Mapping MCE Remote Buttons (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
October 29, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
Hi -

I would like to avoid opening the context menu every time I want to add a music track to the playlist.

I tried to map a button of my MCE remote, e.g. the play button, to "queue an item". However, I want this to happen only in music view. Unfortunately, I could not figure out, which "(pre-)condition" in the MCE mapping dialog is appropriate for this. I tried several pre-conditions like "Music", "Music Album" etc - without success.

Related to this issue, I'd like to "cycle" with one button from "albumarist view" to "playlist view" to "play now view" and from there back to "albumartist view". I played around with seval rules and pre-conditions but had no luck neither with the music view related conditions available in the MCE mapping dialog nor when playing with window ids directly using the MCE remote plugin.

Can anybody give me a hint on the "music window mce mapping conditions"?

Thanks in advance,

and thanks to all the developers of this wonderful piece of software,



TV-Server Version:
MediaPortal Version:
MediaPortal Skin: Xface
Windows Version: XP SP2
CPU Type:
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Motherboard Bios:
Video Card:
Video Card Driver:
Sound Card:
Sound Card AC3:
Sound Card Driver:
1. TV Card: Digital Everywhere FireDTV
1. TV Card Type: DVB-C
1. TV Card Driver: BDA
2. TV Card:
2. TV Card Type:
2. TV Card Driver:
3. TV Card:
3. TV Card Type:
3. TV Card Driver:
4. TV Card:
4. TV Card Type:
4. TV Card Driver:
MPEG2 Video Codec:
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Satelite/CableTV Provider:
HTPC Case:
Power Supply:
Remote: MCE
TV - HTPC Connection: DVI


Portal Member
October 29, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
Hi -

Could somebody just give me a hint if I should ask in another forum or if this just can't be solved?




Portal Member
October 29, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
well, finally I found out that part of my problem was due to the fact that for a button the order of the mappping entries does matter. In my case a "no condition" entry was listed before the "music genre" condition so that always the "no condition" mapping was taken - even in music genre view.
Is that a bug or a feature? Probably this question should be moved to another thread?

However, I still couldn't find a way to address a specific music view. "Music Genre" works fine (and beams me to the default view)



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