mute bug (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 6, 2006
Home Country
- it randomly un-mutes itself. twice in the last 2 days.
- Doesn't save settinsg between re-boots
- should have option to NOT download actors
- pressing stop on remote should stop recording

Address these issues and it will rival windows MCE
These issues need to be addressed before any other "additions" or "improvements" to it. Bug removal is paramount.


Retired Team Member
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  • February 16, 2005
    -never had the unmute thing myself
    -what settings?
    -pressing record stops recording if it already is. Otherwise there is also the "Stop Recording" button in the TV screen. I would hate the stop button to actually stop recording. Too easy to bump.

    So apart from your first issue, which will be impossible to fix without any logs or further information the other three don't seem to be bugs, but rather your personal "additions" and "improvements" which you consider more important than any one elses.

    Sorry for appearing harsh, but there's always people posting who complain about generic issues with no logs or helpful information and then demand fixes and features.


    Portal Member
    November 6, 2006
    Home Country

    well the settings that don't get saved, and I have posted about this before, but the makers haven't yet responded with a fix, are the ones under tv, like aspect ratio, or the timeshifing setting. I can change them, then close the prog, then run it again and I have to go in and set the settings to how I want them again.

    Pressing record again does stop it but immediately starts another recording, so that doesn't really work. What is the problem with having the stop button perform a stop action? is that too weird? I only have a remote to control this, as I'm using it as a media centre.

    And you have something against improvement suggestions? the only improvement suggestion I made was that of having the option of not downloading actors, or even better - how about have it at least check whether an actor has already been downloaded before downloading them again. That would be a good idea.

    There endeth my "personal "additions" and "improvements" which I consider more important than any one elses."

    I dunno how you knew I considered them more important. That's some good psychic stuff you got going there mate ;)


    Retired Team Member
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  • July 19, 2005
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    "- it randomly un-mutes itself. twice in the last 2 days."
    Never occurred here on any of my 3 computers

    "- Doesn't save settings between re-boots"
    Settings are always saved here, make a thread & include all logs.

    "- should have option to NOT download actors"
    Make a thread in future request, maybe other likes it. If a dev likes it & want to make it, it will be included.

    "- pressing stop on remote should stop recording"
    I must say I like it the way it is now, hit on record second time & recording stops. If it starts to record again, then you have something wrong with your setup or found a bug. Make a thread including all logs + system specs.



    Retired Team Member
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  • February 16, 2005
    Roger, read this bit from your first post:

    Address these issues and it will rival windows MCE
    These issues need to be addressed before any other "additions" or "improvements" to it. Bug removal is paramount.

    when apart from one thing all you did was post requests which you clearly stated should be implemented before anything else. I wonder how I got the idea that you think they are more important than anyone elses requests...

    The saving settings thing that you speak of (which I had to search for since you never linked or even mentioned it before) is that the settings remain at what you set them in Config? you never really gave much info, but if timeshift is set to be on in the configuration and you turn it off in MP you want it to be off next time you start MP? The way I view config is that it overrides the settings in MP at start up otherwise there is no point for that option to be there in config. That's the way I see it, others may disagree.

    With record, on my MCE remote the record button is close to all the others and easy to bump whereas the record button is recessed and coloured red, so harder to bump by accident. MP starts recording again if you have the reording set in guide. If you want to stop a guide recording yo have to go to the guide and stop it there. I agree that this bit could be changed but again, I don't see it as crucial when there are other things that are more important.

    I have nothing against improvements but found it funny that you quite clearly stated that there should be no further improvements until your improvements are implemented. You suggestion about Actors, Stopping Record and Saving Settings are all feature requests, even if you consider them vital bug fixes.

    I'm sure you mean well, but you are coming across very badly by acting like the developers owe you something. The devs are very good and faster than any other open source project but remember that you will catch more flies with honey.

    Also, there is almost no chance of anyone fixing a mute bug that so far only seems to happen to you and you haven't posted any log files. look in mediaportal/logs at the mediaportal.log file next time it happens and try to find a likely event around the time the mute came off. Post it here if you need someone else to look at it. "- it randomly un-mutes itself. twice in the last 2 days." is just not enough. Again, asking nicely will get you a lot more responses than demanding a resolution.


    Portal Pro
    August 13, 2005
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    Afghanistan Afghanistan
    I guess people just find it irritating when someone comes in and starts throwing around orders about what "needs to be addressed", etc.

    Also, why is your "bug report" in the MediaPortal Talk section?


  • Team MediaPortal
  • December 21, 2005
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Hi. I am having "mute" problems myself (latest SVN).

    Mute (and only the mute-button) seems to do a "double-click". Using MP in window mode confirms this (volume tray shows a mute symbol for a very short time).

    When using the MCE remote in windows, this does not occur; one click = mute on/off.

    EDIT: Used a backup and latest SVN --> all OK

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