My Anime 3 (5 Viewers)


Portal Pro
January 14, 2008
Home Country
Australia Australia
I can't link movies to MovieDB in JMM Desktop, when I try to search it doesn't find anything.
When I looked at logs there are some errors:

Does anyone know what to do?

It looks like TheMovieDB API has changed.

We are currently in the process of moving to GitHub. Once that is complete, I will be fixing this and a bunch of other bugs for the next release.


New Member
August 14, 2014
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United States of America United States of America
Is the Web Cache not currently functioning? It seems to be returning an error page instead of XML data and I've been getting errors in my log files for every attempt to get or send data to it:

A random sample of errors:
[2014-08-06 22:47:22:574] Error|CommandProcessorGeneral.workerCommands_DoWork => CommandRequest_MALSearchAnime.ProcessCommand => XMLService.Get_CrossRef_AniDB_MAL Error in XMLService.Get_CrossRef_AniDB_MAL:: {0}
[2014-08-06 23:25:51:452] Error|CommandProcessorGeneral.workerCommands_DoWork => CommandRequest_TraktSearchAnime.ProcessCommand => XMLService.Get_CrossRef_AniDB_Trakt Error in XMLService.Get_CrossRef_AniDB_Trakt:: {0}
[2014-08-14 03:22:48:418] Error|CommandRequest_HashFile.ProcessCommand => CommandRequest_HashFile.ProcessFile_LocalInfo => XMLService.Get_FileHash Error in XMLService.Get_FileHash:: {0}
[2014-08-14 03:22:53:954] Info|BackgroundWorker.OnDoWork => CommandProcessorHasher.workerCommands_DoWork => CommandRequest_HashFile.ProcessCommand Hashing File: C:\downloads\add\[Chyuu]_M3_-_Sono_Kuroki_Hagane_-_17_[720p][BE9D3D43].mkv
[2014-08-14 03:22:54:017] Error|BackgroundWorker.OnDoWork => CommandProcessorGeneral.workerCommands_DoWork => CommandRequest_WebCacheSendFileHash.ProcessCommand Error processing CommandRequest_WebCacheSendFileHash: 22002 - System.Net.ProtocolViolationException: Cannot send a content-body with this verb-type.
  at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.CheckProtocol(Boolean onRequestStream)
  at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)
  at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
  at JMMServer.WebCache.XMLService.SendData(String uri, String xml) in C:\Projects\SVN\JMM\trunk\JMMServer\JMMServer\WebCache\XMLService.cs:line 575
  at JMMServer.WebCache.XMLService.Send_FileHash(VideoLocal data) in C:\Projects\SVN\JMM\trunk\JMMServer\JMMServer\WebCache\XMLService.cs:line 118
  at JMMServer.Commands.CommandRequest_WebCacheSendFileHash.ProcessCommand() in C:\Projects\SVN\JMM\trunk\JMMServer\JMMServer\Commands\WebCache\CommandRequest_WebCacheSendFileHash.cs:line 51
[2014-08-14 03:23:26:685] Error|CommandRequest_TraktSyncCollectionSeries.ProcessCommand => TraktTVHelper.SyncCollectionToTrakt_Series => TraktTVHelper.SendData Error(1) in XMLServiceQueue.SendData: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
  at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
  at JMMServer.Providers.TraktTV.TraktTVHelper.SendData(String uri, String json) in C:\Projects\SVN\JMM\trunk\JMMServer\JMMServer\Providers\TraktTV\TraktTVHelper.cs:line 1017

This error repeats every 5 minutes:
[2014-08-14 04:01:18:188] Info|BackgroundWorker.OnDoWork => CommandProcessorGeneral.workerCommands_DoWork => CommandRequest_GetUpdated.ProcessCommand Processing CommandRequest_GetUpdated
[2014-08-14 04:01:18:191] Info|AniDBCommand_GetUpdated.Process => AniDBUDPCommand.ProcessCommand => JMMService.LogToDatabase AniDB UDP - UDP_COMMAND: UPDATED entity=1&age=1&s=vty0s
[2014-08-14 04:01:18:327] Info|AniDBCommand_GetUpdated.Process => AniDBUDPCommand.ProcessCommand => JMMService.LogToDatabase AniDB UDP - UDP_RESPONSE_TRUNC in 135.0078ms - 243 UPDATED
[2014-08-14 04:01:18:590] Error|BackgroundWorker.OnDoWork => CommandProcessorGeneral.workerCommands_DoWork => CommandRequest_GetUpdated.ProcessCommand Error processing CommandRequest_GetUpdated: System.Net.ProtocolViolationException: Cannot send a content-body with this verb-type.
  at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.CheckProtocol(Boolean onRequestStream)
  at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)
  at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
  at JMMServer.WebCache.XMLService.SendData(String uri, String xml) in C:\Projects\SVN\JMM\trunk\JMMServer\JMMServer\WebCache\XMLService.cs:line 575
  at JMMServer.WebCache.XMLService.Send_AniDBUpdates(String updatedTime, String animeIDList) in C:\Projects\SVN\JMM\trunk\JMMServer\JMMServer\WebCache\XMLService.cs:line 491
  at JMMServer.AniDBHelper.GetUpdated(List`1& updatedAnimeIDs, Int64& startTime) in C:\Projects\SVN\JMM\trunk\JMMServer\JMMServer\AniDBHelper.cs:line 493
  at JMMServer.Commands.CommandRequest_GetUpdated.ProcessCommand() in C:\Projects\SVN\JMM\trunk\JMMServer\JMMServer\Commands\AniDB\CommandRequest_GetUpdated.cs:line 76


Portal Pro
January 14, 2008
Home Country
Australia Australia
Is the Web Cache not currently functioning? It seems to be returning an error page instead of XML data and I've been getting errors in my log files for every attempt to get or send data to it:

For now can you please change your web cache settings to mimic the following.

Basically the host of my old web cache has been giving me a lot of issues, and so some of the web cache functionality is broken at the moment.
The options selected below are on the new web cache.



New Member
August 14, 2014
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
For now can you please change your web cache settings to mimic the following.

Basically the host of my old web cache has been giving me a lot of issues, and so some of the web cache functionality is broken at the moment.
The options selected below are on the new web cache.

OK, will do. Thanks for the info.


New Member
August 20, 2014
Home Country
Belgium Belgium
I'm on Mediaportal 1.8.0 and MyAnime3 version 3.1.32. It seems that ISO files don't play when I access them through the MyAnime2 plugin. In "Moving Pictures" and "mp-tv series", the iso automounts and plays, however. Anyone else having this problem, and maybe knows how to fix it?


MP Donator
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  • March 9, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I'm on Mediaportal 1.8.0 and MyAnime3 version 3.1.32. It seems that ISO files don't play when I access them through the MyAnime2 plugin. In "Moving Pictures" and "mp-tv series", the iso automounts and plays, however. Anyone else having this problem, and maybe knows how to fix it?

    You mean you want to access iso files from MyAnime3?

    Sorry, but I doubt that iso files are even considered as the MyAnime3 sever do not hash them. Basic principle of MyAnime3 is based on managing Animes of the various release groups as traced on ANIDB website. These files are either .mkv, .avi and very old .ogg files.
    So only solution would be to use either MP-Videos or Moving Pictures



    New Member
    August 20, 2014
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    Well, you can make myAnime3 hash them by adding iso in the list of supported file types when using the config of the plugin.


    MP Donator
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  • March 9, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    mmh; point taken. you can include iso extensions via JMM Dektop settings.

    Would require to link them each manually as all hashes are not recognisedby ANIDB.
    You may have to ask lwerndly,but with his expressed limited availability this may take quite a while, though



    Portal Pro
    July 6, 2008
    After using this for years, suddenly I'm getting messages that I'm banned from Anidb? Did something change?


    Portal Pro
    January 14, 2008
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    After using this for years, suddenly I'm getting messages that I'm banned from Anidb? Did something change?

    I'm not banned, but I can't connect to AniDB either (on both the HTTP and UDP apis)
    I'm following it up with the AniDB devs.

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