[2016-10-26 03:00:29:781] Info|CommandProcessorGeneral.workerCommands_DoWork => CommandRequest_RefreshAnime.ProcessCommand => AnimeSeries.UpdateStats Starting Updating STATS for SERIES Series: Maria Holic Alive (522) (True - True - True)
[2016-10-26 05:52:44:310] Error|JMMServiceImplementation.IsWebCacheAdmin => AzureWebAPI.Admin_AuthUser => AzureWebAPI.SendData Error(1) in XMLServiceQueue.SendData: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at JMMServer.Providers.Azure.AzureWebAPI.SendData(String uri, String json, String verb) in D:\My Files\Documents\GitHub\jmmserver\JMMServer\Providers\Azure\AzureWebAPI.cs:line 514
[2016-10-26 07:10:26:966] Info|BackgroundWorker.OnDoWork => CommandProcessorGeneral.workerCommands_DoWork => CommandRequest_GetUpdated.ProcessCommand Processing CommandRequest_GetUpdated
@pur_berger have seen that error before and that would mean web cache isn't reachable or there's an error in data send, does it always occur with the same series or is it completely random?
Checked here and don't get that one yet but running alpha version so we can re-test in beta and raise issue if it persists
Ah ... 3.7 - the super wunder release ...Yep bug in handling of UNC paths from 3.6, fixed in upcoming 3.7 already
One other thing I have recognised ...
I have now enabled "group related series together" - working fine so far - only it seems the all the series are now only shown in the Year Filter of the first serie. For example "Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite" teh first season was aired 2015, secodn 2016 but it only apperas in 2015 with two series.
View attachment 183182 View attachment 183183