My Films 5 - Testing (1 Viewer)

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  • November 26, 2006
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    Now that the first public version of My Films 5 has been released, we are implementing a test process for future versions. The main purpose of testing is, of course, to ensure that any public release is as bug free as possible.:)

    So, we have started this thread, where we will post links to test releases prior to any public release. Please note, these test releases are NOT recommended for 'normal' use, as they may contain bugs. The reason we are posting links to them here is to ensure that any changes or new features have not broken existing features in any way.

    As you know, there are many, many different use cases and system setups supported by My Films, with many features that apply to different use cases. Thus we have begun to develop a Test Team for My Films to ensure that all use cases/features are thoroughly tested and working before any public release.

    Test Team

    The following users have already agreed to join our Test Team:
    • z3us
    • TLD
    • hafblade
    • ncoH
    • Gianlk (XMM)
    • alexchini (Eax)
    • Dadeo
    • Guzzi
    Many thanks to these guys who are willing to donate their time to make My Films an even better plugin!
    However, as you can see, we do not have testers yet for most of the other catalog types besides AMC (if no catalog type is listed, it means AMC/default is used).

    Test Process

    To learn about our Test process, how to join the Test Team, and the responsibilities and advantages of becoming an official Tester for My Films, see the My Films wiki Testing page.

    Anyone is free to try these test releases and report issues in this thread by providing:
    1. version/build you are testing
    2. details of your setup/use case
    3. steps to reproduce
    4. logs - stored in MP log folder (e.g. C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\log in Win7) - make sure to change log verbosity to Debug in MediaPortal Configuration > General and then reproduce the issue first!
      • MyFilms.log (always!)
      • AMCupdater.log (if importing new films in MyFilms or using AMC Updater)
      • Error.log (if any exists)
    5. Config files - stored in MP data folder (e.g. C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal in Win7)
      • MyFilms.xml
      • MyFilmsAMCSettings_[xxxx].xml (where [xxxx] is your config name.)
    6. Catalog XML - in some cases your XML catalog file (or export file if you are using an External Catalog) may be required in order to reproduce and solve the issue.
    See the My Films Wiki Support page for further details.

    Based on the quality of your reports, you may apply, or be invited, to join our Test Team and receive additional information and the advantages of being an official My Films tester. ;)

    HUGE thanks to everyone who has tested and reported issues so far. Your input has already helped improve My Films. Good testing is very important, and really appreciated!



    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Anyone interested to test the latest development versions of MyFilms can receive notifications whenever a new version is posted. Guzzi usually adds them as attachments to his Wiki User Page. So if you enable Page Notifications (top right on page) for that page, and you have entered an email address in your Wiki Preferences (Tools Menu > My Preferences) you will receive an email notice whenever a new version is posted.

    Be aware, that these development versions may contain bugs and may cause issues - so don't forget to make a backup of your installation and data. These versions are NOT intended for normal use and not recommended for most users.

    Please post bugs/issues related to these versions in this thread, NOT in the public release thread. Be sure to indicate which build/version you are using.



    Portal Pro
    February 12, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom

    Testing with and I'm getting lots of Unhandled exceptions, especially when trying to save the config. Unfortunately I don't think they're reflected in the logs, but the one I'm looking at now says "'/profile/section[@name='Steve's Movies']' has an invalid token"

    Also, when I click on (re)Create AMC Update Default Settings (which it seems I have to do before I can run AMC Updater) it changes Title_Search Handling from "File Name + Internet Lookup" to "Folder Name + Internet Lookup".

    Also, when I did an Update Records run in AMC Updater, mainly to grab the covers (with Only Update Missing Data, Only Update With Non-empty Data and Update All Records ticked), I noticed there were quite a few "Error importing : Length cannot be less than zero" errors.


    Portal Pro
    February 12, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    It's cool. I worked out the problem was that it doesn't like ' in the Config Name, so I've changed it from Steve's Movies to Steve Movies and it's not giving errors anymore :)


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 20, 2007
    AW: Re: My Films 5 - Testing


    Testing with and I'm getting lots of Unhandled exceptions, especially when trying to save the config. Unfortunately I don't think they're reflected in the logs, but the one I'm looking at now says "'/profile/section[@name='Steve's Movies']' has an invalid token"
    As you already sorted yourself, this was caused by invalid chars in config name. I have added a check to avoid such characters, so users can't enter them.

    Also, when I click on (re)Create AMC Update Default Settings (which it seems I have to do before I can run AMC Updater) it changes Title_Search Handling from "File Name + Internet Lookup" to "Folder Name + Internet Lookup".
    If you (re)create the AMCupdater config, it should push the settings that is done in MyFilms setup, tab "Internet Grabbing", section "AMCupdater Options" - "Title_Search Handling" to AMCupdater config - can you please verify, if you didn't have the setting "Folder name...." there?

    Also, when I did an Update Records run in AMC Updater, mainly to grab the covers (with Only Update Missing Data, Only Update With Non-empty Data and Update All Records ticked), I noticed there were quite a few "Error importing : Length cannot be less than zero" errors.
    Definately a bug ... to narrow it down, can you tell me what sort of movie is e.g. "230 | Ruth, Roses & Revolver"?
    It might also help, if you send me your catalog file.

    Thanks for testing and reporting!


    Portal Pro
    February 12, 2008
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Re: AW: Re: My Films 5 - Testing

    ]If you (re)create the AMCupdater config, it should push the settings that is done in MyFilms setup, tab "Internet Grabbing", section "AMCupdater Options" - "Title_Search Handling" to AMCupdater config - can you please verify, if you didn't have the setting "Folder name...." there?

    This seems to have fixed itself now! I definitely had it set to File Name there but it was creating AMC Updater with Folder Name and when I checked back in MyFilms setup it had changed there as well. But it's showing the correct setting in both now. I think I changed it in AMCUpdater, so maybe that fixed it.

    Definately a bug ... to narrow it down, can you tell me what sort of movie is e.g. "230 | Ruth, Roses & Revolver"?
    It might also help, if you send me your catalog file.

    Thanks for testing and reporting!

    I think that would be this TV documentary with David Lynch "Arena" Ruth Roses & Revolver (TV episode 1987) - IMDb

    I've also got a lot of films where it's put ? instead of ' i.e. A Dog?s Breakfast (translated title A Dog's Breakfast - Eine Leiche für den Hund) A Dog's Breakfast (2007) - IMDb , Adalen ?31 (translated title "Adalen 31" - USA, "Adalen Riots" - USA) Ådalen 31 (1969) - IMDb .

    I think I did something wrong when running AMCUpdater, because it's populated all the Translated Titles, mostly with foreign titles even for UK/USA films. Is there a way to make it only populate this field when the Original Title isn't English (or the film is non UK/USA and thus it's Original Title isn't English, although I'd still prefer the English title in the Original Title field)?

    I've attached the AMC catalog before I used MyFilms/AMCUpdater and the XML from after. There's probably the odd thing in there that isn't a film and shouldn't be there (I need to get my brother to check through it over Christmas!) but I think most of them should be OK.


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 20, 2007
    AW: Re: AW: Re: My Films 5 - Testing

    I think that would be this TV documentary with David Lynch "Arena" Ruth Roses & Revolver (TV episode 1987) - IMDb
    I tried to reproduce here and couldn't. Can you reproduce the issue with attached Debug files - that should give the code lines when the exception occurs. Files should go into MP app dir (don't forget to backup existing to revert after test).

    I've also got a lot of films where it's put ? instead of ' i.e. A Dog?s Breakfast (translated title A Dog's Breakfast - Eine Leiche für den Hund) A Dog's Breakfast (2007) - IMDb , Adalen ?31 (translated title "Adalen 31" - USA, "Adalen Riots" - USA) Ådalen 31 (1969) - IMDb .
    I think this has been done my AMC, right? I just made a test on such a movie and IMDB grabber does give correct title with "'" instead "?".

    I think I did something wrong when running AMCUpdater, because it's populated all the Translated Titles, mostly with foreign titles even for UK/USA films. Is there a way to make it only populate this field when the Original Title isn't English (or the film is non UK/USA and thus it's Original Title isn't English, although I'd still prefer the English title in the Original Title field)?
    Maybe Dadeo (or someone else) can comment on it - as he has a better view on title handling for english speakers and thus more experience on how to handle best..


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