Ongoing My first run with MP (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
May 13, 2005
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Yesterday I got the last pieces of hardware for my HTPC.
A new graphics card: Asus 9550GE, a PVR150 and a MCE Remote (eu version)

So my total system consists of:

thunderbird 800
512 MB ram
60 GB 7200RPM Maxtor
Asus 9550GE
MCE Remote
Onboard sound :?

At firts the thunderbird was struggeling to get the job done but after some tweaking of the bios windows XP and mediaportal, the processor can just manage watsching TV with timeshift.

I think in 1 month time I will go to a computer trade show to see if I can pick up a used athlon 1200 processor. I think will give just that little bit more power to make life eassier. It's just to early to upgrade my main system and use those parts for the htpc.

I'm stil wondering wy mediaportal uses 40% processor load when it's only showing the startup screen. Looks like it's trying to get a good frame rate on a still image :roll:

But I'm quit impressed. I could get it working without ot much hassele. Still have to setup some things though. I haven't looked at how to get the epg working. But that will be rtfm.

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