My iTunes Plugin (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
October 25, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
Hi all,
I monitored the development of Mediaportal for a long time and until now I never thought of any not planned feature I missed in this great piece of software.

But as I am currently changing to OS X based computers (including an iPod for music), I migrated my music library to iTunes. As I don't want to maintain two libraries with ratings and I really like intelligent playlists and some other features of iTunes, I wondered if there is any plugin for Mediaportal to access iTunes in a more sophisticated way than only as a player. (I understood the existing itunes integration uses iTunes only as player, but the Mediaportal database. Correct me if I'm wrong)

After browsing through the forum I found several attempts to write such a plugin. Is there any still active project regarding this topic? If not, are there any difficulties in writing such a plugin I am not aware of, as Apple provides a COM Interface to ITunes, which has all functions needed to create a nice UI in Mediaportal. I would really appreciate any feedback.

My current plan is:

1. To evaluate the COM SDK for iTunes and if its API is really sufficient for a complete Interface.
2. Implement a proof of concept of the plugin with simple browsing and playing of itunes audio for demonstration in this thread, to gain feedback on UI design and features
3. Refine and extend the prototype up to full iTunes support

But here is the one question which I need feedback on, as I am really not keen on reinventing the wheel:

Is there a need for such a plugin or do I miss an existing project?


Portal Member
October 25, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
As it seems, there is no need for an integration of iTunes in the Mediaportal UI (any more). Therefore I will develop the plugin for my own needs without any feedback from the community and eventually publish it here...

So long,
have fun!


Portal Member
November 10, 2007
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Canada Canada
This would be awesome, especially if it's at all possible to integrate the Genius functionality of iTunes.

Hmm looking through the SDK documentation and there's no ability to access Genius functionality. Figures. I guess they don't have an API for it either.


Portal Pro
March 20, 2008
I concur, something a bit useable than the player would be great - keep us informed you might be pleasantly suprised


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  • March 10, 2010
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    United States of America United States of America
    I agree- I think this plugin is a great idea. I would prefer to manage my music library through iTunes and just have it accessible through MP.

    Additionally, I think that the ability to play iTunes protected video content is missing from MediaPortal. I would really like to use iTunes to purchase/rent movies and play them back in MediaPortal. I was thinking of working on that feature on my own, but would you like some help coding your plugin?


    Portal Member
    October 25, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Wow, from one moment to another, this thread is buzzing... Then I guess I will prioritize the work on this plugin a bit more!

    I was thinking of working on that feature on my own, but would you like some help coding your plugin?

    Thanks for the offer, but I think at the moment I just have to get some sort of skeleton up and running. (Well most of it is interface design. The COM API is not that hard to integrate.) If the skeleton is up and running, I would really appreciate some help by submitting patches and implementing more features, because I have very limited time for this project.

    But as mentioned before I will first focus on music integration. I think video will introduce a whole other level of complexity. So just stay tuned for some weeks until I have finished the first preview version.

    Currently I'm fighting through those interface description XML files...



    Portal Pro
    November 16, 2006
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Yes, please continue. I am VERY interested in this. especially if it can be made easy enough for my kids to sync their ipods through the MP interface. Or even play a playlist of music that a friend brings over on his ipod. that would ALL be awesome...


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