My Score Center - version - 4 May 2014 (for MP 1.6/1.7) (2 Viewers)


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  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
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    AW: My Score Center - version 1.3 - 1 Nov 2010

    Yes. Before the table worked with xpath = 1 (reverted to 1.2 to verify). Now same xpath does not work any longer with Nothing, Empty Line or Repeat Header, although with Nothing it should work as before (as you stated).


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  • May 2, 2009
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    Re : AW: My Score Center - version 1.3 - 1 Nov 2010

    Yes. Before the table worked with xpath = 1 (reverted to 1.2 to verify). Now same xpath does not work any longer with Nothing, Empty Line or Repeat Header, although with Nothing it should work as before (as you stated).

    OK it is fixed (shame on me :oops:)
    I uploaded the new package on google code


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  • October 12, 2008
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    Re: My Score Center - version 1.3 - 1 Nov 2010

    Thanks for this great plugin... I had created a couple of sports plugins for BeyondMedia back in the day and I'm glad this is here on MediaPortal.... btw, your solution is waaaaaayyy better than my custom screen scrape I had implemented... way to go!

    I have a couple of questions/comments:

    1) For a newbie, it wasn't obvious to me that you had to run mediaportal for the first time in order for the plugin to get the default settings... I downloaded, installed and immediately went to configure it, but was quite confused... I ran across a post that mentioned the default settings and tried to run MediaPortal and voila... perhaps a note of such on the first post/wiki (shame on me if it's already there and I missed it ;) ).

    2) Is there a way to use the date in the URL to get YESTERDAY or TOMORROW... I often want to see scores from previous days... In particular, I'm using the NHL scores and would like to cycle through the days forward and backwards to see what happened and what are the upcoming games.


    Keep up the great work.



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  • May 2, 2009
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    France France
    Re : Re: My Score Center - version 1.3 - 1 Nov 2010

    1) For a newbie, it wasn't obvious to me that you had to run mediaportal for the first time in order for the plugin to get the default settings... I downloaded, installed and immediately went to configure it, but was quite confused... I ran across a post that mentioned the default settings and tried to run MediaPortal and voila... perhaps a note of such on the first post/wiki (shame on me if it's already there and I missed it ;) ).

    You are right I need to add something to synchronize the first time. You don't really need to start mediaportal, you can also go to the options dialog (last icon on the toolbar) and hit the "update now" button.

    2) Is there a way to use the date in the URL to get YESTERDAY or TOMORROW... I often want to see scores from previous days... In particular, I'm using the NHL scores and would like to cycle through the days forward and backwards to see what happened and what are the upcoming games.
    Yes the "moving date" thing is on the TODO list for almost the beginning.
    My idea was to add a variable pattern to the URL and then define a rule to increase/decrease. Then when displaying the score show buttons Next/Previous to see other results.

    To do this I needed to change the data model to introduce new kind of score definitions. Since the change was big I always push it. But I got times the past week-ends and started the rework.

    The main change is that there are no more categories or leagues. This allows to have unlimited levels, but also to have a score at any levels.
    Categories and leagues are now "folders" with just a name and an icon. So it will make it easier to internationalize (just one string not every score).
    For internationalization, I'm planning to add another XML file that will contains repeated words such as results, standings, top scorer .... and also to set a string for a specific id (<string id="1">Football</string>).
    I'm also planning to have other kind of scores like the "variable" ones or RSS feeds.

    This will require a migration of the scores definitions but I will have a tool to do it.


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  • November 27, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    AW: My Score Center - version 1.3 - 1 Nov 2010

    Hello @ all,

    first i have to say:"Great Plugin"
    I Love it!!!!

    But i have a question:
    I use Catavolts settings and he wrote, that the default score in his settings is 1.Bundesliga.
    How can I change this? Somewhere in this thread I found that I can change it in the context menu,
    but I can`t find this context menu. Please help me!!!!! :confused:

    Okay, forget it. I didn`t found the context-menu, but i changed it in the xml-file

    And I have one suggestion to Catavolt:
    In your settings you use the xpath-expression "//table[@class='tStat']" and as "xPathElements" = 1
    to get the table for the ranking of the 1. and 2. Bundesliga.
    I tried to use the same expressions to get the rankings of the 3.Liga.
    But at the date I tried this, there was one more table on the page for the 3.Liga, because of a cancelled match.
    So I used "//table[@summary='Tabelle']" and "xPathElements" = 0 as the expressions.

    Maybe you should change this in your settings.
    Just a Suggestion :oops:




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  • May 2, 2009
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    Re : AW: My Score Center - version 1.3 - 1 Nov 2010

    Hello mordrag0809,

    You can access the context menu like anywhere in MP:
    - using F9 on the keyboard
    - right click with the mouse
    - or the information key (i) if you are using a remote control.


    Portal Pro
    September 18, 2009
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    Re: My Score Center - version 1.3 - 1 Nov 2010


    I was just adding some of my leagues. After an hour of work I got an "sth, sth exception" and I lost all my work so autosave would be a good idea (or at least it would be great if the configuration window didn't close after every save. Actually why is there no Polish football league on the list? Shall I post my grabber here, Fred? You could add it to the plugin.



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  • May 2, 2009
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    France France
    Re : My Score Center - version 1.3 - 1 Nov 2010

    Hello chlodny,
    there was no Polish football league because nobody asked for it yet :) so sure post your settings, I will add them to the online file.

    And good idea to have a save and a separate close button.

    As said before, for football, I'm planning to redo all the existing settings using (or for you).
    The goal is even to have a kind of wizard to add a league directly from the plugin UI. I already have a program that generate the XML, I need now to write a grabber to get the list of countries, leagues ...

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