MyAlarm (1 Viewer)


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  • October 5, 2004
    Dresden / Munich / Maastricht
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    The MyAlarm plugin can be used to wake you up at a specified time.
    It can display a reminder message, play sound files or a playlist at this time.
    It is a MediaPortal process plugin and works with a MediaPortal-only, MediaPortal SingleSeat (MP+TVClient+TVServer) and MediaPortal MultiSeat (MP+TVClient) installation.

    This version is based on version 2 of the plugin, which was developed by devo.

    :D to SilentExcept who helped me with fixing many bugs and some reworks.

    It is needed to enable the PowerScheduler plugin to wakeup your PC.

    What's new?
    The plugin has been partly rewritten to work with the powerscheduler client plugin and tvserver.
    Now also skin properties are supported which makes skinning very flexible.
    The plugin has it's own translation support now, so we can add new texts and languages independently from MediaPortal.

    How you can help?
    You can help by:
    • posting nice skin files for Blue3 and Blue3wide
    • add support for this plugin to other skins
    • posting new/updated language files
    • posting patches for code related issues / features
    • posting nice screenshots of different skins supporting this plugin.

    Skin support
    The plugin comes with a generic skin file.
    During installation the skin files of all skins, which do not support the plugin out-of-the-box, will be overwritten to ensure that no old skin files are used.

    The following skins support MyAlarm out of the box: (Generic skin files won't applied to those skin directories)
    • aMPed, aMPed-svn
    • Black Glass
    • Black Glass Nova

    skin developers
    If your skin supports MyAlarm plugin and the plugin should not overwrite the skin files for it, please write me a pm and I will add your skin to the supported supported list in the package, so that your skin will be skipped when installing Generic skin.

    To get infos about the supported controls and skin properties please enable verbose logging and have a look at the generic skin file.
    It should be also possible to use tooglebutton or checkbutton instead of checkmark, which are used in the generic skin file.

    In MediaPortal.log you will find infos about translated strings and properties of the current selected alarm.


    Release archive: Repository - [mp-plugins] Index of /trunk/plugins/MyAlarm/releases

    We won't add new features to this plugin, main interest to get it working again with PowerScheduler client plugin.
    But we will try to fix all outstanding issues from time to time.
    If you are looking for the source code, you can find it in mp-plugins project @


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Canada Canada
    re: MyAlarm v3 updated 2010-06-23

    Hey Chefkoch

    Is this plugin available for download somewhere? Or only through MPEI?


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    re: MyAlarm v3 updated 2010-06-23

    Seems only through MPEI :)

    aMPed 3.2 (which is in testing/SVN) now supports the new Alarm Plugin. Can you please update the installer so it does not overwrite the skin files and hover image for any skin name starting with aMPed? Some users use a SVN version of aMPed so you cannot count on the skin name always being just aMPed. Thanks.


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  • October 5, 2004
    Dresden / Munich / Maastricht
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    AW: Re: MyAlarm v3 updated 2010-01-??

    Seems only through MPEI :)

    aMPed 3.2 (which is in testing/SVN) now supports the new Alarm Plugin. Can you please update the installer so it does not overwrite the skin files and hover image for any skin name starting with aMPed? Some users use a SVN version of aMPed so you cannot count on the skin name always being just aMPed. Thanks.
    Hmm, that is not so easy. Easiest way I can think of atm, is to white-list "aMPed-svn" to be a supported skin, too. So that these folder also will be untouched by MyAlarm. Then all who are using an svn dir for aMPed need to use this directory name and all is fine.

    I will upload a new version with the change in the evening.



    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Re: MyAlarm v3 updated 2010-06-23

    Thanks chefkoch, and btw nice job on the plugin!

    Alas, I cannot control what users choose to name their SVN version of aMPed. Plus many skinners, like me, keep development copies of their skin (mine for example is aMPed Dev) . We don't all have the luxury of separate development machines unfortunately!

    I do appreciate what you are trying to do, to ensure users get valid skin files, but imo it is not quite there yet. Most other plugins install skin files only to Blue3/wide. But I get that you are trying to ensure support for users even if the skin does not have a skin file done yet and I do support that.

    So I don't have a good solution to suggest yet. I hope that genius brain of yours can come up with one, because you don't want to hear from skinners who lose the work they have done skinning Alarm just because they forgot to PM you (or missed seeing that rather important message)! :D

    EDIT: I had the same problem with Dukus' latest release of MPEI plugin. So maybe he will figure something out.


    MP Donator
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  • March 12, 2009
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    Re: MyAlarm v3 updated 2010-06-23

    Hello All

    I really like the idea for this plugin but i cant get it to work - hopefully someone can tell me what im doing wrong.

    I running Windows 7 with MP 1.1.0 RC6 and have tried to config MyAlarm in both MP and in MP Config. No matter what i do the HTPC doesnt wake up from sleep but just writes an errormessage in the log when i wake it up using my remote:

    2010-07-20 00:10:38.526000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MyAlarm 'Alarm Test' could not fire at 20-07-2010 00:06:00. Computer not on and wake up not allowed?

    I have tried to create a task in Windows Scheduled tasks to wake up the machine and that works fine, so the Windows config for Wakeup seems OK.

    Please help :)

    kind regards
    - Martin Rix


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  • August 18, 2007
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    Re: MyAlarm v3 updated 2010-06-23

    cant find the mpi in the extension installer. is already uploaded?


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  • October 5, 2004
    Dresden / Munich / Maastricht
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    AW: Re: MyAlarm v3 updated 2010-06-23

    I really like the idea for this plugin but i cant get it to work - hopefully someone can tell me what im doing wrong.
    Did you already enabled the PowerScheduler plugin to wakeup your pc? This is needed since PS plugin is responsible for waking up your pc.


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  • October 5, 2004
    Dresden / Munich / Maastricht
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    Germany Germany
    AW: Re: MyAlarm v3 updated 2010-06-23

    cant find the mpi in the extension installer. is already uploaded?
    It is listed as v 2.9.xxxx currently, since we may want to make some minor changes or fixes until v3.0.
    The version is currently 2.9.xxxx, this is only for the current test version and will be changed to 3.0 in near future.

    Did you also check if you display unstable releases? It's current status is RC.


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 18, 2007
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    Spain Spain
    Re: MyAlarm v3 updated 2010-06-23

    cant see it under "known extensions" tags All


    and i have updated the database 2 or 3 times

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