mm...nope, I thought everybody could login with their forum username and password but I guess I was wrong...Could somebody with U & P put this in mantis...
Or maybe, the best this is to post a bugreport in the bugreport forum and give all the details of the problem...
Yes, it looks like the mysqld and tvservice are having quite a long "chat" when you press the down key in the EPG
Download the MySQL GUI Tools and use MySQL Administrator to turn on query logging to see all the queries that are being sent to the MySQL Server. I couldn't find any particularly long running query but there are lots of SELECT's being sent. It also looks like every query has some "init" queries being run, probably used to determine the supported features of the server and to change to the tvlibrary database. Should only be necessary to do those once when the connection to server is setup. But they are probably from the .Net Connector. Maybe there is some setting that remoces the need for those.
From <program>\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\data\<hostname>.log
1 Change user root@localhost on TvLibrary
1 Query SET character_set_results=NULL
1 Init DB tvlibrary
1 Query select idTuning, idChannel, name, provider, channelType, channelNumber, frequency, countryId, isRadio, isTv, networkId, transportId, serviceId, pmtPid, freeToAir, modulation, polarisation, symbolrate, diseqc, switchingFrequency, bandwidth, majorChannel, minorChannel, pcrPid, videoSource, tuningSource, videoPid, audioPid, band, satIndex, innerFecRate from TuningDetail where idChannel = 428
the "SHOW VARIABLES", "SHOW COLLATION" and "SET character_set_results=NULL" queries are produced by the MySQL .Net Connector (which are used by the Gentle Framework) when it detect that the driver is not initialized. I wonder how this can be avoided? It would probably be possible to have the driver being initialized at least throughout the retrieveal of all persistent objects. Need to trace this.... Unfortunately the MS C++ Express edition can't open the tvserver solution.
When the tvserver and MySQL Server is on the same host it should also be possible to use a named pipe. That is normally specified using "." as hostname but it's does not yet work to enter "." in the dialog specifying connection parameters. Also the mysqld need to be configured to use names pipes. Use MySQL Administrator and go to "Startup Variables" and check "Enable named pipes". There is a comment saying it will only work on "Windows NT+only" - that includes XP.