myTrailers local showtimes extension (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 2, 2006
hello falkyre !

Thanks for your work.

Do you have update the svn version of myTrailers with your modification ?

Is there a version where we can look wath you do ? Or maybe it's too early ...

In the French Team, we look with big interest on your work and we could help you if you need and want.

Just ask.

Good luck


Portal Pro
March 20, 2006
Winnipeg, Canada
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Canada Canada
guilhem said:
hello falkyre !

Thanks for your work.

Do you have update the svn version of myTrailers with your modification ?

Is there a version where we can look wath you do ? Or maybe it's too early ...

In the French Team, we look with big interest on your work and we could help you if you need and want.

Just ask.

Good luck

No update to the svn. It's pretty early yet. Once I get it so that I can display in MP, that's when I will send it in for approval via svn.

key master

Portal Member
April 18, 2006
I posted beta 7 on my website FYI. It addresses some XML import issues.


falkyre said:
Small update...

as usual life got in the way but I still managed to make some progress. The following has been done:

1) Implemented setting the config.xml values for the App provided by key master using the myTrailers configuration dialog box

2) Implemented setting initial country and sity/postal code in the locations.xml via the myTrailers config

Working on running the mtsa standalone app to pull the theater listinto the locations.xml such that I can then get it into a dialog checkbox selection. Once that's done, then we have a front end to get the mtsa to fill the moviedata.xml.

Once I can get there, I have design choice to make...leave the moviedata in XML format and treat it like a less work for me..con..on large listings make impact performance. Or take the XML data and create a database out of it. I'm thinking the database route might be easier and better for resources as sqllite is a pretty quick database.

Moving slowly...but surely


Portal Pro
March 20, 2006
Winnipeg, Canada
Home Country
Canada Canada
key master said:
I posted beta 7 on my website FYI. It addresses some XML import issues.


Thanks jim,

will download and continue on...still progressing slowly. I now have the setup going in the myTrailers. I just am trying to figure out the best way to run this on an on going basis. As a scheduled task or as something within MP. I like how Meedio handled it with Importers that would run in the background while Meedio was running. That's what I'd like to do.


Portal Pro
March 20, 2006
Winnipeg, Canada
Home Country
Canada Canada
tanguy said:
some news from this ?

Sorry, no. After next week I'll get back into the programming as some of my kids activities will be ending. I will also have lots of time starting July so there should be lots more progress then...

It will be released before Duke Nukem Forever will be :lol:


Portal Member
December 20, 2005
Can't wait for this plugin. I'm new to the HTPC and intend on using Mediaportal. In fact, just finished testing an installation, and am doing a complete fresh resinstall.

Whilst I was deciding whether to use Mediaportal or GB-PVR I came across their ShowTimes plugin, which uses for the UK listings.

Sorry if this is old news (couldn't find this in searches...)



Retired Team Member
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  • May 6, 2005
    falkyre said:
    How's your regular expression matching? I use it everyday at work but just basic stuff. That's where all the fun will be. The actual coding and GUI stuff should be really easy, it's the regex stuff that does all the work and the HTML scraping...

    I would suggest using the HTMLparsing library already in the MP SVN, which I developed for WebEPG. This will enable new sites to be added with just xml config files.



    Portal Member
    June 8, 2006
    Has this project stalled?

    If so I'll take it up this weekend. Ever since I switched from Meedio to MediaPortal my girl has been ticked about not having local listing and showtimes. In addition, their were several layout flaws with Meedio's design that I would like to improve upon as well. I'm currently reading up on the MP architecture I should be ready to go by the weekend.

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