MyTrivia (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 5, 2005
Hey everybody,

I don't know if this can be done at all but would be pretty cool if you could. Ya know those trivia games they have up on TV's in bars and restaurants (might only be here in the US, excuse my foreign ignorance).. Yea i want that :D .

For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about: Basically at your table or whatever at a bar/restaurant, they can give you a wireless control thing and up on the TVs in the room is a trivia game that you answer questions to and compete with other people playing in the place. It's a great thing for a group of friends who just want to hang out and drink/eat while chatting and playing.

Well i noticed a while back that some satellite services here in the US have it where you play against other people who have the same service all over the country. Now digital cable tv providers are doing it as well. And they all have a bunch of categories on Movies, TV, Sports, Kids, etc etc. It's like playing trivial pursuit against the rest of people throughout the nation.

Anyways.. to the point. I think this would be very very cool. But obviously there would have to be some kind of free internet trivia service to be able to hook MP in to. A quick research in to it didn't reveal much but I thought if other people were interested in this, we may be able to find something.

Thanks for listening.. 8)


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August 5, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
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I second that notion

To bump this thread/idea;

I really want to make this happen, my wife and I like to play trivia against other people even if you can't interact with them. The company that makes the trivia games (used to be called NTN) has a cheapie little home-game set that you can buy, but with a limited number of questions and obviously it does not connect to the internet.

I would be willing to put in some dev time if necessary; obviously it would be great if there were a service out there already that we could sign up for, to get the questions and live-register players.

Any ideas?

Just going to document a couple of sites & applications that may be relevant: - you can play it on the web, it also has a flash-based client you can download, and apparently a TiVo client. Don't see why you couldn't launch this with 'my applications'.


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  • February 23, 2005
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    I recognize Interactrivia - It started as a plugin to the HTPC frontend called ::MainLobby::, which is Flash based and not opensource. The guy that started is Dan Reicher and was briefly involved with MainLobby until he worked on this venture.


    Portal Pro
    August 24, 2006
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    This sounds like a great idea! If a plugin is written solely for MP users, would there be a small amount of bandwith available from the MP servers to use to coordinate the matches and such?


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 23, 2005
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    This sounds like a great idea! If a plugin is written solely for MP users, would there be a small amount of bandwith available from the MP servers to use to coordinate the matches and such?

    It maybe nice at some point in the future if some of the other games could be enhanced to allow for multi-player matches worldwide also if this starts to grow in popularity! But I hope that jburnette takes this plugin as a challenge to develop it, it would be so great to see family oriented multi-user gaming for MediaPortal. It should be a hit!


    New Member
    September 19, 2007
    Hey, mzemina

    I'd be willing to work on a MediaPortal-specific version of InteracTrivia if the interest is there. There is already a Tivo version and I'm in the process of porting the clients from a socket-based implementation to web service-based (to allow for AJAX and Silverlight clients). I've been considering developing MCE / MP clients - just haven't gotten around to it.

    The port is mostly done at this point and if the interest is there a MediaPortal plug-in would be pretty straightforward (though I'd have to acquaint myself with the API - in particular the graphics stuff). The nice thing is the game wouldn't be MP-specific, so anyone playing across all channels (web, Tivo, MCE, etc.) would be in the same game(s). Chat would be difficult to integrate with a 10 ft. but the Tivo version works pretty well w/o it.

    Anyway, let me know interest level and I'll see if I can divert some resources.

    Daniel Reicher
    InteracTrivia, Inc.


    Portal Member
    August 5, 2007
    Indianapolis, IN
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    Wow, fantastic!

    I did try loading the regular InteracTrivia client on my MP box, but whenever I loaded it (without using MP at this point for testing) it crashed with a .Net error....maybe due to the fact that I am running 64-bit XP?

    Daniel, I think you have a really good application and I hope to see it 'take off' and get more users for you, there's no doubt that Media Portal users would be all over it. I love the fact that you can play the same game from the various clients, that's great.

    I'd be happy to beta test.


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 23, 2005
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    ...Anyway, let me know interest level and I'll see if I can divert some resources.


    I think if you are watching this thread you are just starting to see the interest! I hope your business is going well for you!

    If you do decide to create a MP plugin for InteracTrivia - I suggest a new thread so we don't highjack this thread.

    Mike Zemina

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