n00b Q on Music views (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
June 22, 2006
Third try of Media Portal for me (I keep coming back every few months :) ) and I think I'm pretty close to finding MP usable for my own personal preferences (especially since there is now a working TV Shows plugin). I think I've managed to sort out most of the questions I had by simply reading the forums here but I do have one question though.

Is there any decent documentation explaining how to setup the views properly, or rather what can and can't be done? I'd like to be able to add an Index view (i.e. alphanumerical) to the top of my Music views. For example, opening an Artist view would give my an Index of letters and numbers, choosing R would take me to a list of artists beggining with R. Same for Albums and Genres; a top level Index. Is an Index view possible for the Music views, and if so how? This is something I find very natural and reduces the amount of remote 'typing' needed in conjunction with the search function.

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