Need advice, what I have? What can I do? (1 Viewer)


New Member
June 23, 2006
Hi all, I am new and I need advice.

Presently I run a HTPC w/:
AMD AthlonXP 2800+
GeForce 5700 256MB sv-out
KnoppMyth MythTV
XBOX modded w/ICE chip (+ XBMC, MythTV script, Avalaunch, etc, etc..)

The setup works, but I barely know jack in Linux, so to do anything else in Linux (like dist. computing) is a PIA. So I thinking of switching to Windows for the box.

I have a retail version BeyondTV3 that I have not installed that can be upgraded to BTVv4. I have a couple of old versions of Sage TV around and even GB-PVR. What I'd really like to do is stream Live TV to my XBox, but from what I have read- this is unlikely. I've heard people mention the MVP, but I'd prefer not to spend another $99 :) for just something that's a hobby.

So, what I would need is advice on which setup to go on with? The only thing I really need is SMB streaming of recorded show to the XBox. I would not mind a front-end script for the XBox like there is for Sage TV, but it's not necessary... But I do like the idea of using a program that came from the devs of XBMC.

So, any thoughts....!?

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