Need info on how to use the plugin (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
October 6, 2007
Home Country
Italy Italy
Sorry to ask it, but i'm not able to have it working or at least i don't know if it's working 0o

I have just installed it on a new PC Mediaportal 1.0RC3, installed the Pure Audio plugin, enabled, configured..
But i don't have any idea where i should select it as output for the sound or at least to be sure it's the one doing the job.

I haven't understood neither if an ASIO driver (like asio4all) is necessary or not.

In my pc i have a Asus P5Q-EM, with a Realtek ALC1200, connected through the SPDIF connector to my Digital Amplifier.
The reason why i wanted to use this plugin is because i hope it will be able to let me listen my music just in a simple Stereo or Quadrophonic without having all the music mixed in the center speaker (since my amp always try to decode is as Dolby Prologic).
Pure Audio will be able to let my amp to switch in Dolby Digital and let me listen to a quadrophonic or a 5.1 but without the center speaker "talking" ?

Hope i was clear enough, it's 4h i'm trying to get it working but without any results :oops:

Thank you.


Retired Team Member
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  • January 30, 2008
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    Hello Danguard!

    I don't know, if there is native Asio Support with your Soundchip, if not, you have to use ASIO4ALL, but i don't know much about this Driver!
    If there is Support:

    1. Enable the Plugin.
    2. Configuere it! (Take a Look at my Configuration)


    3. Enjoy the grest Sound! :)

    Best Regards


    Portal Member
    October 8, 2007

    The plugin will work without asio drivers.
    If the source of your music is PCM audio, this plugin will send PCM audio
    over SPDIFF. In that case, you will have stereo audio from your speakers.
    I don't thnik your receiver will convert this to dolby. You must change
    on your receiver the settings!!


    Portal Member
    October 6, 2007
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    Thank you for your kind help, i just need another answer:
    How should i configure Media Portal to be sure is using the plugin?
    Where should i set the plugin as output?
    I tried to check in the player settings, but under general settings i have only "Bass engine" and "internal Dshow player".
    I wasn't able to find anywhere the "pure audio" player.


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 30, 2008
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    With enabling the plugins MP prefers PureAudio for Playback! You can take a look in the "Mediaportal.log"!

    Best Regards


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 25, 2007
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Sorry to ask it, but i'm not able to have it working or at least i don't know if it's working 0o

    I have just installed it on a new PC Mediaportal 1.0RC3, installed the Pure Audio plugin, enabled, configured..
    But i don't have any idea where i should select it as output for the sound or at least to be sure it's the one doing the job.

    I haven't understood neither if an ASIO driver (like asio4all) is necessary or not.

    In my pc i have a Asus P5Q-EM, with a Realtek ALC1200, connected through the SPDIF connector to my Digital Amplifier.
    The reason why i wanted to use this plugin is because i hope it will be able to let me listen my music just in a simple Stereo or Quadrophonic without having all the music mixed in the center speaker (since my amp always try to decode is as Dolby Prologic).
    Pure Audio will be able to let my amp to switch in Dolby Digital and let me listen to a quadrophonic or a 5.1 but without the center speaker "talking" ?

    Hope i was clear enough, it's 4h i'm trying to get it working but without any results :oops:

    Thank you.


    Guess i should start reading my own forum... have completely missed this post somehow. :oops:
    If you still don't have it working yet, and still want to, let me know!


    Portal Pro
    April 15, 2008
    Home Country
    France France
    Just tried this plugin hoping to get replaygain, upmix ... I dont have ASIO device. I want it to output to my amplifier via spdif. I setup the plugin with upmix etc ... but my amplifier still tells me it s getting PCM. Did i miss something? How can i be sure MP is using it?


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 25, 2007
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Just tried this plugin hoping to get replaygain, upmix ... I dont have ASIO device. I want it to output to my amplifier via spdif. I setup the plugin with upmix etc ... but my amplifier still tells me it s getting PCM. Did i miss something? How can i be sure MP is using it?

    This plugin does not contain any multichannel encoder. So if you feed it with pcm (like from a mp3 or flac), it will output pcm, also on spdif. Because spdif only supports 2 pcm channels, you cannot upmix to 5.1 and then send that over spdif. This can only be done when using an audiodevice with ac3 encoding capabilities.

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