New Database & Multi-disc albums (1 Viewer)


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  • January 27, 2005
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I have several multi-disc albums setup with disc tags. These just get ordered by MP as
    01 - track 1
    01 - track 1
    01 - track 1
    02 - track 2
    02 - track 2

    I can see there are several posts about this in the past however they all appear prior to the database changing. Looking in the database I can see that the iDisc and IDiscNum fields are correctly populated but I see no way of manipulating this in MP ?

    Ideally I would like to see something like meedio where you could have a level in the view which listed all the discs for an album but was skipped if only one value was found. For the time being however I could live with just having the whole album listed as
    disc 1 - 01 - track 1
    disc 1 - 02 - track 2
    disc 2 - 01 - track 1

    Can I access / use these fields from the database in either the views or the sort ??


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
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    Austria Austria
    if the the disc number has been really specified you should see the following:
    101 - track1 <- 1 (Dsc1) 01 (track1)
    102 - track2
    201 - track1
    202 - track2

    this should have been done already by the importer. so iTRack should alrady contain 101 for Track1 on Disc 1

    and therefor this is correctly displayed.


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 27, 2005
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Typically the items I was looking at in the database were not the ones I was looking at in MP :$

    The albums which are tagged correctly are shown as you say... I just need to go back and fix the tagging on a few albums.

    Not an ideal solution but it works. Thanks for the reply.

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