New to MediaPortal, and Loving it! (1 Viewer)


New Member
September 19, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
I just wanted to give some positive feedback. I have been toying around with HTPC's for several years, but just now finally invested in some decent hardware to actually use it properly. I've tried MythTV, and bought my Firefly remote and one of my tuners in a BeyondTV bundle.

I was happy with BeyondTV, and still use it, but I was never really that impressed with it. I mean, recording and pausing TV is pretty common place these days.

So I finally decided to give Media Portal a try, and wow. I love the customizability, the really great plugins, the feel of it... it's just all a very nice system to use.

I have yet to give the TV plugin a try, because I feel sort of obligated to stick with BeyondTV for a while since I paid good money for it, and from what I've read it's one of the parts of Media Portal that is still maturing.

Anyway, thanks for putting out such a great piece of software! :)


Portal Member
August 2, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
me too

I am also an owner of BeyondTV license. I switched to MP about three months ago and rarely look back. I do miss the web interface, but I imagine MP will have that with the 3.0 release (there's a plug-in now, but I don't think it's maintained). My biggest problem with BTV other than the price to upgrade for essenially few new features I found useful was the inaccuracies of the native TV Guide. I stopped trying to record "only new episodes" because BTV kept missing new episodes thinking they were re-runs. ACK! that was frustrating... At any rate, if you someday eliminate BTV and want to run the Firefly remote with native x10 drivers - let me know if you have any problems. That's how mine is set up now.

Welcome to MP.

I just wanted to give some positive feedback. I have been toying around with HTPC's for several years, but just now finally invested in some decent hardware to actually use it properly. I've tried MythTV, and bought my Firefly remote and one of my tuners in a BeyondTV bundle.

I was happy with BeyondTV, and still use it, but I was never really that impressed with it. I mean, recording and pausing TV is pretty common place these days.

So I finally decided to give Media Portal a try, and wow. I love the customizability, the really great plugins, the feel of it... it's just all a very nice system to use.

I have yet to give the TV plugin a try, because I feel sort of obligated to stick with BeyondTV for a while since I paid good money for it, and from what I've read it's one of the parts of Media Portal that is still maturing.

Anyway, thanks for putting out such a great piece of software! :)

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