New toy: Asrock ION 330 (1 Viewer)


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  • January 6, 2006
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    France France
    I like to know if the Asrock ion 330 can send HD audio ( DD true HD and DTS HD ) trough HDMI with Powerdvd or TMT ?




    Portal Pro
    October 24, 2007
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    France France
    Re : New toy: Asrock ION 330

    Hello ...
    Can someone tell me if it's better to use Windows 7 32 bits or 64 bits with the Asrock ION 330 / MP 1.0.2 / Streamed MP ...

    In fact, actually i use W7 64 bits, but with Streamed MP, return back to HomeScreen is very slow ... Do you think that it will be better with W7 x 32

    Thanks four yours answers...


    MP Donator
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  • January 6, 2006
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    France France
    Re : New toy: Asrock ION 330

    Hi mardup,

    For me, it is slow returning to Streamed MP home screen with Windows7 32bit MP 1.1.0 asrock with 4gb and a SSD ...

    There is a thread about this problem :
    Working Combinations :
    Use MP v1.0.2 and StreamedMP v0.8.448 to make the plugin switching work as it should.

    Allez les verts ! ;-)



    Portal Pro
    May 28, 2010
    Home Country
    Slovenia Slovenia
    Does anyone know, how can i get Wake on Lan working on this machine? I have turned on bios settings and setting inside windows (device manager --> network adapter --> advanced), but it won't wake up when i send packet from another machine.


    Portal Member
    February 24, 2011
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    Finland Finland
    Does anyone know, how can i get Wake on Lan working on this machine? I have turned on bios settings and setting inside windows (device manager --> network adapter --> advanced), but it won't wake up when i send packet from another machine.

    You have double checked the MAC address and you are sending the packet inside same network? What tool you use to send the package?


    Portal Pro
    July 20, 2010
    Home Country
    Hungary Hungary
    OK, so bumping up this thread:)

    I'm seriously thinking to replace my current HTPC with an ASRock 330ION (the complete setup, or maybe a custom built, not sure yet).

    What would you say, is it satisfying in terms of overall speed with latest MP and StreamdMP skin, with TV Series and Moving Pictures plugins, fanarts?
    I will also use it for live DVB-S2 tv as a single seat setup, of course, I will change my PCIe card to a USB version.

    This setup would be much smaller, require much less energy and should also work very nice? Any thoughts on this?
    BTW: I think it has two powered USB ports, if I'm correct? Will MCE remote be able to wake up the system?



    Portal Pro
    August 30, 2009
    Germany, Mayence
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    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    i have MiniITX motherboard AsRock with ION330, and i can say -don't expect too much from it.
    1. Don't forget - it is 5 years old, and all new features of MP require a bit more power, than ion330 can give, to feel comfortable. I recommend to activate HT, as it is really useful for that system when running MP.
    2. Most disturbing fact is that atom330 doesn't support more that 3.8 GB RAM, so no RAM disk possible (even if you install 4GB RAM, you will get 3.8, then you need to define 512MB for builtin graphic card, so you will have only about 3GB RAM for all. Windows + MP + MySQL will take 2.5GB, and RAM disk with 500MB size is pretty useless)
    3. builtin graphic (analog of nVidia 9400) is barely able to handle 1080i, and if you enable ghaph info (Shift+1) thwn you will get over 50% dropped frames.
    So - it is OK for me to live with that system i have, but I wouldn't recommend to upgrade any system to ION330 - rather ion330 need to be upgraded.

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