New User Changes etc (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
October 4, 2006
Dubai, UAE
This is a first post.

OK, first of all Mediaportal is corking software and well done to the developers.

The best thing is that it is open source and we can all contribute to its development.

I have used the software for a few months now and obviously think there are some areas which could be improved to meet my own personal requirements.

I use the software for playing pe-recorded media files (music and video), rather than live TV (which isn't great here) using a wireless keyboard and am looking for this to be intuitive for guests to use.

I could make this a simple request for new features, however in the spirit of open source software, I will try to back up such requests with actual code changes.

My first proposed change is in the default behaviour on selecting a music track, currently the default is "play now" whereas my preferred option is to add this to the current playlist queue - particularly for parties etc.

I have a simple patch adding a configuration option to choose the default behaviour on selecting an individual track as either 'play now' or 'queue'.

Let me know if this is something you are interested in.

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