New Versions of InputDeviceMapper of LiveDriveIR (1 Viewer)


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  • April 11, 2005
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    Mr.Mitchell said:
    I had a look at your plugin. I have a small suggestion. I think it would be good to also add the address of the remote to the string that is sent to the InputDeviceMapper. That way if people have more than 1 X10 remote (e.g. Medion and Marmitek) they can program both remotes seperately, which is needed since both remotes have a different layout.

    Sure, that will be a good addition (I just have one remote and I do not know to much about X10). I will add the address.
    UPDATE: I have added the address already, it can be found in the patches section.

    kaburke said:
    agree that this functionality would be nice, but I think it is beyond the scope of InputDeviceMapper. InputDeviceMapper only concerns itself with translating Input Device Events into Actions. I believe the "correct" method to implement this feature would be to have a separate plugin for text input that is controlled by Actions, which InputDeviceMapper could certainly pass to it (though, obviously, not necessarily).

    You are right. There is already ongoing development for the new VirtualKeyboard (by Smirnof). Not ready yet, but it should be coming.

    kaburke said:
    Ideally, all "pages" in MediaPortal would be plugins, preferably with some interface or inheritance parent that is common to all (and unique) to all pages. This, or some form of it, may be how pages are handled in MediaPortal, but, as I said, I haven't had any time to look into it.

    Each Window in MP is defined by an ID and has an accomplishing XML definition file for each skin (as far as I found out). Finding out which window is current is no problem (The GUIWindowManager has a property). Unfortunatly there is no real inheritance of the windows. I will see if I get around to adding the window to the code.

    .. and sure, I will change name(& space) & keep you posted. The handle() method should not change, since it would be up to "InputDevicePageMapper" to make that decision.

    kaburke said:
    The new version of InputDeviceMapper (v0.4.3) is available. This version should no longer throw the SEHException. The new verision is available at the usual location, here.

    Thanks! Very quick response.


    Portal Pro
    March 4, 2005
    Alberta, Canada
    Unfortunately, I do not have any X10 devices, so I wasn't able to confirm that the SEHException is no longer thrown. Would someone who has tried InputDeviceMapper v0.4.3 with one of the X10 plugins let me know if the problem has been solved (i.e., SEHException is no longer thrown)?


    New Member
    February 24, 2005
    kaburke said:
    Unfortunately, I do not have any X10 devices, so I wasn't able to confirm that the SEHException is no longer thrown. Would someone who has tried InputDeviceMapper v0.4.3 with one of the X10 plugins let me know if the problem has been solved (i.e., SEHException is no longer thrown)?

    I tried v0.4.3 yesterday with Mr.Mitchels X10 plugin. Get an exception when mapping buttons to actions. Pressing continue gets me going on and using the remote works fine.
    I have a few suggestions. I'm missing some actions to be mapped which would work fine with Medion X10 remote. Could it be possible to have actions for jumping to some modules/plugins directly ????
    My remote has buttons for TV/Radio/DVD/Music/EPG, which can't be mapped

    Would be very nice to hace this function...



    Portal Pro
    March 4, 2005
    Alberta, Canada
    Josh said:
    Could it be possible to have actions for jumping to some modules/plugins directly ????
    I believe that it is technically possible, and something I would like to eventually do (likely along with some form of per page mapping functionality). Unfortunately, I am not going to have the necessary time to dedicate to researching/developing these features for (likely) quite some time. mbuzina, however, I believe is working (or at least looking at working) on a version of InputDeviceMapper that may have the functionality you are looking for.


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  • June 15, 2004
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    kaburke said:
    Josh said:
    Could it be possible to have actions for jumping to some modules/plugins directly ????
    I believe that it is technically possible, and something I would like to eventually do.

    I think this is something that Gucky is already doing (at least he planed it) with the new home plugin. In the config of the home plugin you can already see a section for this, though without function yet...

    Also mPod did this already with his "MyKeys"-Plugin. You should find it with a search here on the forums. Maybe you can get some code from there and finish this really awaited thing (maybe together with Gucky?!?).



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  • May 13, 2004
    the Netherlands
    kaburke said:
    Unfortunately, I do not have any X10 devices, so I wasn't able to confirm that the SEHException is no longer thrown. Would someone who has tried InputDeviceMapper v0.4.3 with one of the X10 plugins let me know if the problem has been solved (i.e., SEHException is no longer thrown)?
    Sorry for the late reply. The exception does not show anymore when pressing a button when in the Commands tab. But it does occur when using the Learn Command button. When I press the button I get the screen where I have to press the button. I then press a button on the remote. Next screen pops up. I fill in the details and press Save. When I press Save I get the exception.

    BTW: For some reason the InputDeviceMapper plugin doesn't work with latest CVS anymore. Probably due some internal changes to the MP core.


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  • April 11, 2005
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    Mr.Mitchell said:
    But it does occur when using the Learn Command button. When I press the button I get the screen where I have to press the button. I then press a button on the remote. Next screen pops up. I fill in the details and press Save. When I press Save I get the exception.
    I have the same issue. I did resolve it though, but it required changes to the InputDeviceEventMapper.

    kaburke: I put a try-catch block around the call of the learn dialog in butAddMapping_Click of the SetupForm. Not ideal, but works, no more exceptions (I ignore any occuring exceptions).

    Mr.Mitchell said:
    BTW: For some reason the InputDeviceMapper plugin doesn't work with latest CVS anymore. Probably due some internal changes to the MP core.
    True. I did check this as well and it seems that the namespace AMS.Profile.Xml namespace has moved to MediaPortal.Profile.Xml. I changed it in a local copy and it works again as a charm. kaburke: If you like I can send you the changes (For the last issue I just did a replace).


    Portal Pro
    March 4, 2005
    Alberta, Canada
    Sorry for the long delay in addressing your comments, Mr. Mitchell.

    mbuzina said:
    @kaburke: I put a try-catch block around the call of the learn dialog in butAddMapping_Click of the SetupForm. Not ideal, but works, no more exceptions (I ignore any occuring exceptions).
    No, it's not ideal, but the exception is downright irritating. So I'm going to implement your fix in the next version. Once I (or someone) finds a "real" solution, I will change it, but until then your solution sounds great.

    mbuzina said:
    Mr. Mitchell said:
    BTW: For some reason the InputDeviceMapper plugin doesn't work with latest CVS anymore. Probably due some internal changes to the MP core.
    True. I did check this as well and it seems that the namespace AMS.Profile.Xml namespace has moved to MediaPortal.Profile.Xml. I changed it in a local copy and it works again as a charm.
    I'm hesitant to make this change, as (I would suggest) not everyone (in fact, the majority) is not using the CVS version. But, as there is (obviously) an element of the community that does, I will release a parallel version with the appropriate fix.

    The next version (v0.4.4 and v0.4.4CVS, as I will call them) will be up shorly.


    Portal Pro
    March 4, 2005
    Alberta, Canada
    Here are v0.4.4 and v0.4.4CVS. As indicated in my last post, v0.4.4 is for the stable versions of MediaPortal, while v0.4.4CVS is for the latest CVS version.

    Let me know if they:
    • 1) stop the SEHexception from being thrown.
      2) work with their respective MediaPortal versions (I did test them, but I like independant verification).


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 13, 2004
    the Netherlands
    Good news, version 0.4.4CVS works fine with latest CVS. Also the SEHException does not show anymore. Hooray!!!

    But I got confused about one thing, might be a bug, but could also be me not understanding how it should work.

    I had a fresh CVS copy so the InputDeviceMapper had never been started before. I started to configure the plugin and decided to load the mappings from my CVS backup. So I press Load Mappings and browse to the UserInputMappings.xml in another folder. Everything shows up and works just fine. I start MP and remote does not seem to work. I start the configuration program again, now none of the mappings show. Is this expected?

    Right now I just copied my backup UserInputMappings file to my working MP version and that makes it possible to use the InputDeviceMapper again.

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