Newbie could really do with some advice (1 Viewer)


New Member
June 6, 2006
Hi All,

As the title suggests I'm a newbie to MediaPortal. So new in fact that I have yet to download and install it. Before I embark on this quest I have a few questions I'd like to ask.

I'm currently running MCE 2005 but am getting fed up with its instability (despite having all approved hardware in my system) and more importantly the fact that in order to watch it in other rooms I have to go and buy an expensive Xbox 360!

On to my questions in no particular order:

1. Will MediaPortal run on a box with MCE 2005 as its OS?
2. I have 2 x Sky STB's connected to a PVR 150 and PVR 250 tuner card, is this setup okay with MediaPortal?
3. Can MediaPortal use my MCE remote to operate and send channel changes to the STB as the currently do now?
4. As I am in the UK, how complex or tedious is it getting a EPG?

That's the short list of questions.
Looking forward to some replies.
Many thanks


Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • February 6, 2006
    ok, i will make a start:

    darrenkarp said:
    1. Will MediaPortal run on a box with MCE 2005 as its OS?

    It sure will, (as it does for me)

    darrenkarp said:
    2. I have 2 x Sky STB's connected to a PVR 150 and PVR 250 tuner card, is this setup okay with MediaPortal?

    shouldn't be a problem at at all. As far as I can tell, mediaportal 'loves' the PVRs. maybe the most used cards overall here (-;

    darrenkarp said:
    3. Can MediaPortal use my MCE remote to operate and send channel changes to the STB as the currently do now?

    Theres the 'Myblaster' plugin on the one hand and the 'HIP' on the other hand. so technically, yes that works, but since i have no experience with those i never tested it though... But there are several posts on this issue...

    darrenkarp said:
    4. As I am in the UK, how complex or tedious is it getting a EPG?

    Shouldn't be a problem either. Mediaportal has a 'build-in' WebEPG function itself and is compatible to the XMLTV-format. For a starter this might be tricky, but once it's all set up it shouldn't be a problem. search the forum to check which one works out best for you..


    New Member
    June 6, 2006
    Many thanks for the reply.

    Well, I've downloaded the trial and already run into a problem. As I don't use the analog input into either tuner card how do I tell MP to use the composite or SVHS inputs when looking for a signal?



    New Member
    June 6, 2006
    Thanks for that.

    Well, I can either get audio with NO picture, colour picture with NO audio or black & white fuzzy picture with audio but I can't seem to get colour picture with audio!

    Any ideas?



    Portal Pro
    February 18, 2005
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    darrenkarp said:
    Thanks for that.

    Well, I can either get audio with NO picture, colour picture with NO audio or black & white fuzzy picture with audio but I can't seem to get colour picture with audio!

    Any ideas?

    Just for our information: How do you swich between these "modes"? (this might be a key to finding the way to solve it)

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