Newbie help (scheduled recording not working) (1 Viewer)


New Member
July 6, 2006
Hi all,

Sorry if this is in the wrong place but I couldn't find anything obvious in the FAQ.

I have just installed media portal (0.2) and am generally
very happy. I am having an issue with scheduling recording.
When I schedule a recording 'once' it starts to record
at the correct time. When I 'record now' it also works.

However when I try to schedule a 'record every day at this time'
or 'record mon-fri' it takes the scheduling: but the record
never seems to start. I am sure there is something
really basic I am missing.

Thanks heaps for any help

PS: (using DVICO Plus PCI (Xpress I think)) card


Portal Pro
March 10, 2006
Cambridge, UK
Hmm, thats odd. I don't usually use this type of recording, but I just did a test and it worked for me... Did you say it was listed ok in the scheduled recordings bit? Are you sure its not conflicting with another recording?


New Member
July 6, 2006
Thanks for the help

Hi hoppy and infinityloop,

No I don't have Power Scheduler enabled and will
try it out today. (But I don't think I should need it?
I had the TV turned on for 'once' off recordings and
at the correct time media portal changed channels and
began recording. When I try the same thing for
'mon-fri' or 'everyday' nothing happens.) But will give
Power Scheduler a go.

One more thing. I am pretty sure recordings weren't conflicting.
I made sure I deleted all schedules before adding new ones.

Thanks again for your help.


New Member
July 6, 2006
scheduling and channel change problem

:is it simmilar to this issue? -> :

Yes and no.

Yes: it is similar in that it won't change the channel to
record when watching another. I see this is a bug and
accept that it needs to be fixed (unless there is a workaround).

No: because it also doesn't work when I go out to the 'start' screen
either. (it doesn't seem to do it with a full on 'suspension' either, however I haven't tested this completely).

The only scheduled recording the works is a 'once off' record on
the channel that the tv was last on (at the correct time a small rec symbol appears). 'every day', 'mon-fri' etc
just don't record. If I try a scheduled 'once off' on a different
channel it doesn't work either.

Unlike your problem I do not get any pop ups/ record messages
or anything else. MP just seems not to recognise the scheduled
recordings - it doesn't even try to begin.

Thanks again

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