newbie to mp couple q/a (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
October 2, 2008
hey guys i have installed mediaportal and i must say its a lot nicer then vmc, but i have a couple easy questions i cant seem to figure out.
1. i watch anime and i was wondering how do i view my subs, i click on the subs but nothing is showing.

2. i am using a vmc remote is there any way of using the green button on my remote to start up mp, and also disable it from turning on my xbox360.

3.i have 3 500gb hdd how do i get mp to show all 3 of the harddrives in the same window. thanks
thanks for the help. so far this is a really nice program.

one more thing, i have 3 500gb hard drives i was wanting to know how can mp access all of at the same time instead of choosing one harddrive at a time.


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  • December 15, 2006
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    I'll answer what I can:

    2. Look in the plugins section for something called mptray to start mediaportal with the green button. I think you can also use the IR server suite to do this as well.
    To stop it from turning on the 360, you need to go into your 360's settings and change the remote to not use the vmc one, but limit it to the 360 only - *not sure exactly what this setting is, but if you go into the remote section you should be able to work it out*

    3. In shares view (i.e. the default) you can only view the drives individually, you need to add all your movies to the database via MPs config and then you'll be able to switch to one of the database views, which will show everything from all 3 drives at once.

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