No channels found when CAM inserted (1 Viewer)

Kevin Lauwerijs

New Member
July 15, 2013
Broechem, Antwerpen, Belgium
Home Country
Belgium Belgium

I transfered from XBMC to Mediaportal for the TV server feature. I just got myself a satellite from TV Vlaanderen which is the same as Canal Digitaal. Satellite is new to me so excuse me if I get some technical terms wrong.

Windows 8 64 bit
DD Cine S2 V6.5 + CI-module using only one tuner for testing
Original DVB-S2 CAM provided by TV Vlaanderen

The problem:
If the cam is disconnected I can scan all channels and view the unencrypted ones.
If the CAM is connected, Cine S2 and Mediaportal can open the CI Menu. The signal quality and level is 100% but no channels are found.
If I scan without CI and insert when trying to watch, all channels pop up the error: 'could not find channel'.

In the settop box provided by TV Vlaanderen, everything works fine.

What I've tried:
Digital Devices has 2 firmware releases available on the website. The latest firmware isn't working for me. The signal level and quality drop to 0. So I stick to firmware

Tried about all possible config variations in TV server cam setup

I saw some other threads on this forum pointing to the exact same problem with the same hardware but no solution was offered.

I've added the logs of a failed scan attempt.
I just hope someone experienced the same problem. Thanks in advance
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hello Kevin

    I remember that thread that you linked. :)
    Basically the answer is that there is nothing TV Server can do about the problem. The issue seems to be a compatibility issue between the CAM and the DD CI slot/tuner/driver. Please report the problem to DD support.


    Kevin Lauwerijs

    New Member
    July 15, 2013
    Broechem, Antwerpen, Belgium
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    I have the receipt of the CAM so I should be able to get a refund..
    Because both Mediaportal and DD can access the CI menu, I figured it was compatible.
    I did notice the menu is limited compared to the settop box by TV Vlaanderen. Stuff like parental controls aren't shown.

    In the mean while, I've requested support at DD. Can someone recommend me a CAM that works with my setup?


    New Member
    January 17, 2014
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    Germany Germany
    Did the new flatcable solve the issue?
    I am running into the same Problem. But I'm using an AlphaCrypt Classic CAM. Has anyone experience with this Setup (Cine S2 V6.5 + CI + AC classic) ?
    Contacted DD Support regarding this, but did not get a response until now.

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