No EPG in MP GUI (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 5, 2007
Home Country
Taiwan Taiwan
I am new to MP and already enjoying it! The team made a great piece of software to use - thanks!

Can someone please give me that - hopefully small - missing piece of information? I have played around with the WebEPG setup, configured grabbers and channels.xml. I started WebEPG-conf.exe to connect the grabbers to my created channels. Finally, there is a tvguide.xml. So I am fairly certain that my WebEPG setup is correct.

However, there is no EPG information inside MP. When I call the Settings-TV-Intenet EPG and select my country, it automatically connects the channels to EPG channels. That makes me think that the channels have got the correct name.

I found some epg.bak file in the log section which lists lines like
2007-03-06 20:18:28.328125 [Info.][1]: epg-import :HBO asia             06.03.2007 19:00-21:00 Arthur
and told me that some items are already in the db. So I think that the dB gets loaded correctly, too.

What piece of setting am I missing here? What can I check / debug to get EPG inside MP?

Best regards,



Portal Pro
October 28, 2006
Home Country
Switzerland Switzerland

Your file TV-guide.xml is empty, so you didn't grab the EPG.

try :
- After configure in WebEpg-Config.exe
- start WepEpg.exe
- Wait a moment (30min), you can see if it's running in control pannel (ctrl-alt-delete)
if "webepg" is running,
or in the folder Mediaportal\XMLTV if there is a TV-guide-wiriting.xml.

- At the end, TV-guide-wiriting.xml is deleted and TV-guide is ~500kB (for me)


Portal Member
March 5, 2007
Home Country
Taiwan Taiwan
Hi Cedric,

thanks for taking the time and checking. However, I am not sure how you think that it is empty. When I open the tvguide.xml, I see channel and programme nodes. I presume that is the EPG information, correct? Whenever I run the WebEpg.exe, I see that it creates a new file.

If the content in the tvguide.xml is not correct, can you tell me what to expect?




Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • April 5, 2005
    Hi Jan,

    yes there is Info in your TVGuide.xml, maybe Cedric didnt open it with the necessary .dtd-File in iexplorer. You should test the following:
    1. Do a new run of webepg do get new data.
    2. Go to setup, television, programguide nd hit remove all programs from database.
    3. Make sure you have set the correct path to tvguide.xml and that grab data from epg is not activated.
    4. Open MP, wait a few seconds to let MP import the data and then go to Guide.

    All should be fine then.




    Portal Pro
    October 28, 2006
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    Sorry Jan-Tamm :oops: ,

    I was a bit to tired maybe ;)

    I think you're right Paloema.

    Jan-Tamm, try Paloema's tips and if you still have problem, I'm here.


    Portal Member
    March 5, 2007
    Home Country
    Taiwan Taiwan
    Hi Cedric and Paloema,

    before, I had the TV Server 0.3 installed and the MP snapshot from March 3rd. Since I could not get EPG working in the GUI, I uninstalled everything. Now, I reinstalled the stable version without TV server and EPG works like a charm! At first, there was no EPG, I had it running and started webepg.exe in the background. Once it finished downloading the tvguide.xml, MP refreshed and I had all the shows! The only thing that annoys me now is that watching TV is not working anymore (cannot create graph) :(

    But at least I am confident that the EPG part works in general. Now I will look for a solution to watching telly and all should be well.

    Thanks again for your help!



    Portal Member
    March 5, 2007
    Home Country
    Taiwan Taiwan
    Hi all,

    I tried to get my H900 analog HW card working in normal MP. Unfortunately, the CaptureCardDefinitions.xml seems not to fit to my driver. So I used the latest driver from the webpage and changed the PCI information in the xml file. However, it still cannot create the graph so I think that there is something else I would need to update in the CaptureCardDefinitions.xml but I do not know what.

    So instead I updated MP to the latest snapshot 13308 thinking that this could be the problem. EPG import is still working fine. Then I installed the latest TV Server snapshot and restarted MP. TV is working fine again. However, the EPG is not working anymore:confused:

    I tried removing my non-working card from the MP setup (Television-Capture Cards-Delete) but that did not change the function of EPG. I followed the help from paloema (restart webepg.exe, remove EPG database) but no effect.

    So can someone give me a hand to what else I can check and debug to get it working? Is there something that I need to watch out for in the channel configuration? So currently, I have defined the channels in TV Server and MP, so basically defined them twice with the same name.

    Best regards,



    Portal Member
    March 5, 2007
    Home Country
    Taiwan Taiwan
    Hi all,

    well whatever I tried, I could not get the EPG and TV server to run together. So I spent some time with graph edit to change the MP CaptureCardDefinitions.xml so that the card is now properly working in the normal MP without TV server.

    Thanks everyone for their support.


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