Not changing channels - log attached (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
July 5, 2005
Home Country
I have a problem now with the latest svn version that if i try and change from a channel with mpeg audio to a station with ac3 audio (HD stations) then it tries to change stations but then fails for some reason and reverts back to teh previous mpeg audio station.
Here is the log, can anyone see a problem here?

2007-06-11 11:52:22.359375 [Info.][13]: PlaneScene: crop T, B : 0, 0
2007-06-11 11:52:22.359375 [Info.][13]: PlaneScene: crop L, R : 0, 0
2007-06-11 11:52:22.359375 [Info.][13]: PlaneScene: video WxH : 1024x576
2007-06-11 11:52:22.359375 [Info.][13]: PlaneScene: video AR : 1024:576
2007-06-11 11:52:22.359375 [Info.][13]: PlaneScene: screen WxH : 1600x1200
2007-06-11 11:52:22.359375 [Info.][13]: PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
2007-06-11 11:52:22.359375 [Info.][13]: PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
2007-06-11 11:52:22.359375 [Info.][13]: PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(1024,576)
2007-06-11 11:52:22.359375 [Info.][13]: PlaneScene: dst : (0,150)-(1600,1050)
2007-06-11 11:52:25.375000 [Info.][MPMain]: TvNotify:LoadNotifies
2007-06-11 11:52:25.375000 [Info.][MPMain]: TvNotify: 0 notifies
2007-06-11 11:52:57.390625 [Debug][MPMain]: miniguide: domodal
2007-06-11 11:52:57.390625 [Info.][MPMain]: WindowManager:route TvPlugin.TvFullScreen:602->TvPlugin.TvMiniGuide:3009
2007-06-11 11:52:57.390625 [Info.][MPMain]: window:TvPlugin.TvMiniGuide init
2007-06-11 11:52:57.390625 [Debug][MPMain]: miniguide: onpageload
2007-06-11 11:52:57.390625 [Debug][MPMain]: miniguide: all controls are reset after 0ms
2007-06-11 11:52:57.437500 [Debug][MPMain]: miniguide: FillChannelList - currently ts: 1, rec: 0 / GetChans: 7ms, NowNextSQL: 30ms, GetAllRecs: 4ms
2007-06-11 11:52:57.453125 [Debug][MPMain]: miniguide: assume we're the only current timeshifting user - switching to fast channel check mode
2007-06-11 11:52:57.453125 [Debug][MPMain]: miniguide: state check + filling completed after 2ms
2007-06-11 11:52:57.453125 [Debug][MPMain]: miniguide: FillGroupList finished after 0ms
2007-06-11 11:52:59.140625 [Debug][MPMain]: miniguide: close()
2007-06-11 11:52:59.140625 [Debug][MPMain]: miniguide: OnPageDestroy
2007-06-11 11:52:59.140625 [Info.][MPMain]: window:TvPlugin.TvMiniGuide deinit
2007-06-11 11:52:59.140625 [Info.][MPMain]: texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
2007-06-11 11:52:59.140625 [Info.][MPMain]: WindowManager:unroute to TvPlugin.TvMiniGuide:3009->TvPlugin.TvFullScreen:602
2007-06-11 11:52:59.156250 [Info.][MPMain]: Channel change:WIN HD
2007-06-11 11:52:59.156250 [Info.][MPMain]: TVHome.ViewChannelAndCheck(): View channel=WIN HD
2007-06-11 11:52:59.156250 [Debug][MPMain]: TVHome.ViewChannelAndCheck(): Fase 1 - 5 ms
2007-06-11 11:52:59.156250 [Debug][MPMain]: TVHome.ViewChannelAndCheck(): Fase 2 - 1 ms
2007-06-11 11:53:00.328125 [Debug][MPMain]: TVHome.ViewChannelAndCheck(): Fase 3 - 1168 ms
2007-06-11 11:53:00.328125 [Debug][MPMain]: TVHome.ViewChannelAndCheck(): Stopping player. CardId:5/5, RTSP:rtsp://server/stream5.0/rtsp://server/stream5.0
2007-06-11 11:53:00.343750 [Debug][MPMain]: TVHome.ViewChannelAndCheck(): Stopping player. Timeshifting:E:\Recordings\live5-0.ts.tsbuffer/E:\Recordings\live5-0.ts.tsbuffer
2007-06-11 11:53:00.343750 [Info.][MPMain]: g_Player.Stop()
2007-06-11 11:53:00.343750 [Info.][MPMain]: g_Player.OnStopped()
2007-06-11 11:53:00.343750 [Info.][MPMain]: TvRecorded:OnStopped TV rtsp://server/stream5.0
2007-06-11 11:53:00.343750 [Info.][MPMain]: RTSPPlayer:ended rtsp://server/stream5.0
2007-06-11 11:53:00.343750 [Info.][MPMain]: RTSPPlayer:cleanup DShow graph
2007-06-11 11:53:00.343750 [Info.][MPMain]: RTSPPlayer:cleanup vmr9
2007-06-11 11:53:00.343750 [Info.][MPMain]: RTSPPlayer:stop graph
2007-06-11 11:53:00.843750 [Info.][MPMain]: state:confused:topped 0
2007-06-11 11:53:00.843750 [Info.][MPMain]: RTSPPlayer:dispose vmr9
2007-06-11 11:53:00.843750 [Info.][MPMain]: vmr9:Dispose
2007-06-11 11:53:00.843750 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: not active
2007-06-11 11:53:00.859375 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
2007-06-11 11:53:00.859375 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9:ReleaseComObject():0
2007-06-11 11:53:00.859375 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
2007-06-11 11:53:00.859375 [Info.][MPMain]: cleanup mpegdemux
2007-06-11 11:53:00.859375 [Info.][MPMain]: cleanup _rtspSource
2007-06-11 11:53:00.859375 [Info.][MPMain]: cleanup videoCodecFilter
2007-06-11 11:53:00.859375 [Info.][MPMain]: cleanup audioCodecFilter
2007-06-11 11:53:00.859375 [Info.][MPMain]: cleanup audioRendererFilter
2007-06-11 11:53:00.859375 [Info.][MPMain]: cleanup graphBuilder
2007-06-11 11:53:00.906250 [Info.][MPMain]: cleanup done
2007-06-11 11:53:00.937500 [Info.][MPMain]: succeeded:confused:ucceeded
2007-06-11 11:53:00.937500 [Debug][MPMain]: TVHome.ViewChannelAndCheck(): Fase 4 - 615 ms
2007-06-11 11:53:00.937500 [Info.][MPMain]: tvhome:startplay
2007-06-11 11:53:00.937500 [Info.][MPMain]: tvhome:file:
2007-06-11 11:53:00.953125 [Info.][MPMain]: tvhome:startplay channel=null
2007-06-11 11:53:00.953125 [Debug][MPMain]: TVHome.ViewChannelAndCheck(): Fase 5- 3 ms
2007-06-11 11:53:00.953125 [Info.][MPMain]: Preferred audio stream: idx=-1, idxNonAC3=-1, idxLastAC3=-1
2007-06-11 11:53:00.953125 [Info.][MPMain]: Preferred audio stream: switching to audio stream 0
2007-06-11 11:53:00.953125 [Debug][MPMain]: TvFullScreen: IsSingleSeat - RemoteControl.HostName = server / Environment.MachineName = MEDIACENTRE
2007-06-11 11:53:00.953125 [Debug][MPMain]: TvPlugin:ViewChannelandCheck Exception System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at TvPlugin.TVHome.ViewChannelAndCheck(Channel channel)
2007-06-11 11:53:00.968750 [Debug][MPMain]: timeout->OSD:Off
2007-06-11 11:53:00.968750 [Debug][MPMain]: Tvfullscreen:not viewing anymore
2007-06-11 11:53:00.968750 [Info.][MPMain]: Windowmanager:goto previous window
2007-06-11 11:53:00.968750 [Debug][MPMain]: TvFullScreen:deinit->OSD:Off
2007-06-11 11:53:00.968750 [Info.][MPMain]: window:TvPlugin.TvFullScreen deinit
2007-06-11 11:53:00.968750 [Info.][MPMain]: texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
2007-06-11 11:53:00.968750 [Info.][MPMain]: window:TvPlugin.TVHome init
2007-06-11 11:53:00.984375 [Info.][MPMain]: tv home init:confused:C10


Portal Pro
July 5, 2005
Home Country
hopefully this has been fixed with a new addition in the svn .
"MediaPortal MyTV:
11/06/2007 [14:51h] gibman added: Fixed channel change from non-ac3 to ac3 and vice versa stopped timeshifting. "

i will post back tonight if it fixes it, if it does i love you gibman

UPDATE: just like to report that this addition has fixed my long ongoing problem thankyou to all the devs and especially gibman for fixing it .

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