OzTivoGrabber - Australian OzTivo grabber for Foxtel plugin for TVServer (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 4, 2007
Home Country
I'd actually posted this in the plugins section of the MP site, but figure this might be a better place for it.


I've written a grabber for MP that can get foxtel EPG data from the OzTivo website in AU and put it into MP. It's now a tvserver plugin

It will create the appropriate channels via the xmltv plugin and optionally configure those new channels as 'external' channels - ie, they are set via set top box. (you need And81's IR Server Suite installed for blasting to work). It can also assign those new channels to any particular analog card setup in MP.

As always, feedback as always is appreciated. The thread can be found here -




updated 06/09/2009 (yes it's been that long)

TV Server plugin version

- changed from MP based application to TVServer plugin.


Portal Pro
November 28, 2004
Home Country
Cool, looks a lot easier to use than my sccripts. Can you mod it to include FTA channels from oztivo. Also, when this is done then on the channel config page can we set a time offset for each channel (defaulting to XML details). This means we can tune details for channels like ABC2 seperate to the others.
Thanks for the work, I love the STB channel number feature (I have reinstalled too many times and had to re-enter every channel)


Portal Member
March 4, 2007
Home Country
You can add extra entries to the foxtelchannels.xml file using the 'configure channels' button. the file is called foxtelchannels.xml, but as long as the ozTivo site provides the EPG data using the regular prefix eg Nine-Syd then you can just add it that way. The description is freetext but will show up as the channel description when looking at MP's guide. The number is the channel number.

I'm looking at adding some more small features and i'll add your request to it :)

glad you found it of use!


Portal Member
March 4, 2007
Home Country
Also, when this is done then on the channel config page can we set a time offset for each channel (defaulting to XML details). This means we can tune details for channels like ABC2 seperate to the others.

I've added the time offset in hours functionality.

check the original thread..

btw when you install it it will blow away your existing foxtelchannel.xml file as it's kinda needed since now there's an additional field.

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