Hi FlipGer,
05.01.2006 14:49:13 Set current directory to :C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
05.01.2006 14:49:13 verify that directx 9 is installed
05.01.2006 14:49:13 verify that windows mediaplayer 9 or 10 is installed
05.01.2006 14:49:13 Windows media player version:10,0,0,3802 installed
05.01.2006 14:49:13 Check if mediaportal is already started
05.01.2006 14:49:13 delete old log\capture.log file...
05.01.2006 14:49:13 Check skin version
05.01.2006 14:49:13 Set registry keys for intervideo/windvd/hauppauge codecs
05.01.2006 14:49:13 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
05.01.2006 14:49:13 Init playlist player
05.01.2006 14:49:13 creating the WINLIRC device
05.01.2006 14:49:13 Initialising WinLirc...
05.01.2006 14:49:13 WinLirc window not found, starting WinLirc
05.01.2006 14:49:13 Winlirc process not found
05.01.2006 14:49:13 done creating the WINLIRC device
05.01.2006 14:49:13 Init players
05.01.2006 14:49:14 initializing DirectX
05.01.2006 14:49:14 start fullscreen
05.01.2006 14:49:14 ClientSize: 1280x1024 screen:1280x1024
05.01.2006 14:49:14 MAP: using default mappings for Hauppauge HCW
05.01.2006 14:49:14 MAP: using default mappings for DirectInput
05.01.2006 14:49:14 texturemanager:dispose()
05.01.2006 14:49:14 TexturePacker
05.01.2006 14:49:14 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
05.01.2006 14:49:14 load localized strings from:language\English\strings.xml
05.01.2006 14:49:14 Load fonts from skin\BlueTwo\fonts.xml
05.01.2006 14:49:14 fonts.InitializeDeviceObjects()
05.01.2006 14:49:14 Load skin BlueTwo
05.01.2006 14:49:14 LoadWindowPlugins()
05.01.2006 14:49:14 Load plugins from
05.01.2006 14:49:15 Load plugins from
05.01.2006 14:49:15 Load plugins from
05.01.2006 14:49:15 Load plugins from
05.01.2006 14:49:15 Loading references from skin\BlueTwo\references.xml
05.01.2006 14:49:15 original skin size:720x576
05.01.2006 14:49:15 xml:skin\BlueTwo\videoOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
05.01.2006 14:49:15 opening tvdatabase
05.01.2006 14:49:15 using sqlite 3.2.7
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: tblversion
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: channel
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: tblPrograms
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: genre
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: recording
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: canceledseries
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: recorded
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: tblDVBSMapping
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: tblDVBCMapping
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: tblATSCMapping
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: tblDVBTMapping
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: tblGroups
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: tblGroupMapping
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: tblChannelCard
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: tblNotifies
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: tblEPGMapping
05.01.2006 14:49:15 tvdatabase opened
05.01.2006 14:49:15 Init MPScript
05.01.2006 14:49:15 C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\scripts
05.01.2006 14:49:16 xml:skin\BlueTwo\tvOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
05.01.2006 14:49:17 Load plugins from
05.01.2006 14:49:17 WindowManager.Load
05.01.2006 14:49:17 load calibration1280x1024.xml
05.01.2006 14:49:17 WindowManager.Preinitialize
05.01.2006 14:49:17 TexturePacker: Loaded skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx21.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
05.01.2006 14:49:17 TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:199
05.01.2006 14:49:17 TexturePacker: Loaded skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx20.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
05.01.2006 14:49:17 TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:198
05.01.2006 14:49:18 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\black.bmp total:0 mem left:236978176
05.01.2006 14:49:18 WindowManager.ActivateWindow
05.01.2006 14:49:18 xml:skin\BlueTwo\home.xml image id:1000 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
05.01.2006 14:49:18 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\hover_my plugins.png total:1 mem left:236978176
05.01.2006 14:49:18 Texturemanager loaded temporay:skin\BlueTwo\media\animations\1.png 94x125 format:A8R8G8B8
05.01.2006 14:49:18 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\animations\1.png total:2 mem left:236978176
05.01.2006 14:49:20 Texturemanager loaded temporay:skin\BlueTwo\media\animations\89.png 94x125 format:A8R8G8B8
05.01.2006 14:49:20 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\animations\89.png total:90 mem left:236978176
05.01.2006 14:49:20 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
05.01.2006 14:49:20 skin initialized
05.01.2006 14:49:20 DX9 size: 1280x1024
05.01.2006 14:49:20 video ram left:231424 KByte
05.01.2006 14:49:20 running...
05.01.2006 14:49:20 Mediaportal.OnStartup()
05.01.2006 14:49:20 Recorder: Loading capture cards from capturecards.xml
05.01.2006 14:49:20 Recorder: card:1 video device:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II Capture TV:True record:True priority:2
05.01.2006 14:49:20 Recorder: card:2 video device:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II Capture TV:True record:True priority:1
05.01.2006 14:49:20 Recorder: tv channel changed:ORF 1
05.01.2006 14:49:20 DatabaseUtility:GetAsInt() column:recording.keepMethod record:7 value: is not an int
05.01.2006 14:49:20 DatabaseUtility:GetAsInt64() column:recording.keepDate record:7 value: is not an Int64
05.01.2006 14:49:20 DatabaseUtility:GetAsInt() column:recording.paddingFront record:7 value: is not an int
05.01.2006 14:49:20 DatabaseUtility:GetAsInt() column:recording.paddingEnd record:7 value: is not an int
05.01.2006 14:49:21 PlugInManager.Load()
05.01.2006 14:49:21 Load plugins from
05.01.2006 14:49:21 Load plugins from
05.01.2006 14:49:21 PlugInManager.Start()
05.01.2006 14:49:21 ECP2: Remoting initialised.
05.01.2006 14:49:22 Loaded font:font13 height:23 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
05.01.2006 14:49:22 Loaded font:font16 height:28 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
05.01.2006 14:49:43 Mediaportal.OnExit()
05.01.2006 14:49:43 Card:1 stop
05.01.2006 14:49:43 Card:2 stop
05.01.2006 14:49:43 PlugInManager.Stop()
05.01.2006 14:49:43 MediaPortal done
05.01.2006 14:49:43 dbs:close
05.01.2006 14:49:43 dbs:close:TVDatabaseV21.db3
I have never changed the priorities of my cards yet. Card1 is the PVR-350 with prio=2, Card2 is the PVR-150 with prio=1
I hope I could help you.
Yes I am sure that both cards work, otherwise I wouldn't be able to record two shows that run at the same time on different channels.FlipGer said:1) Are you sure both cards work? Did you change the prios (first 150 high, than 350)?
05.01.2006 14:49:13 Mediaportal is starting upFlipGer said:2) Could you please post / send your mediaportal.log. Just start MP and stop it again, this should be enough...
05.01.2006 14:49:13 Set current directory to :C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
05.01.2006 14:49:13 verify that directx 9 is installed
05.01.2006 14:49:13 verify that windows mediaplayer 9 or 10 is installed
05.01.2006 14:49:13 Windows media player version:10,0,0,3802 installed
05.01.2006 14:49:13 Check if mediaportal is already started
05.01.2006 14:49:13 delete old log\capture.log file...
05.01.2006 14:49:13 Check skin version
05.01.2006 14:49:13 Set registry keys for intervideo/windvd/hauppauge codecs
05.01.2006 14:49:13 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
05.01.2006 14:49:13 Init playlist player
05.01.2006 14:49:13 creating the WINLIRC device
05.01.2006 14:49:13 Initialising WinLirc...
05.01.2006 14:49:13 WinLirc window not found, starting WinLirc
05.01.2006 14:49:13 Winlirc process not found
05.01.2006 14:49:13 done creating the WINLIRC device
05.01.2006 14:49:13 Init players
05.01.2006 14:49:14 initializing DirectX
05.01.2006 14:49:14 start fullscreen
05.01.2006 14:49:14 ClientSize: 1280x1024 screen:1280x1024
05.01.2006 14:49:14 MAP: using default mappings for Hauppauge HCW
05.01.2006 14:49:14 MAP: using default mappings for DirectInput
05.01.2006 14:49:14 texturemanager:dispose()
05.01.2006 14:49:14 TexturePacker
05.01.2006 14:49:14 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
05.01.2006 14:49:14 load localized strings from:language\English\strings.xml
05.01.2006 14:49:14 Load fonts from skin\BlueTwo\fonts.xml
05.01.2006 14:49:14 fonts.InitializeDeviceObjects()
05.01.2006 14:49:14 Load skin BlueTwo
05.01.2006 14:49:14 LoadWindowPlugins()
05.01.2006 14:49:14 Load plugins from
05.01.2006 14:49:15 Load plugins from
05.01.2006 14:49:15 Load plugins from
05.01.2006 14:49:15 Load plugins from
05.01.2006 14:49:15 Loading references from skin\BlueTwo\references.xml
05.01.2006 14:49:15 original skin size:720x576
05.01.2006 14:49:15 xml:skin\BlueTwo\videoOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
05.01.2006 14:49:15 opening tvdatabase
05.01.2006 14:49:15 using sqlite 3.2.7
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: tblversion
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: channel
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: tblPrograms
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: genre
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: recording
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: canceledseries
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: recorded
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: tblDVBSMapping
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: tblDVBCMapping
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: tblATSCMapping
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: tblDVBTMapping
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: tblGroups
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: tblGroupMapping
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: tblChannelCard
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: tblNotifies
05.01.2006 14:49:15 AddTable: tblEPGMapping
05.01.2006 14:49:15 tvdatabase opened
05.01.2006 14:49:15 Init MPScript
05.01.2006 14:49:15 C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\scripts
05.01.2006 14:49:16 xml:skin\BlueTwo\tvOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
05.01.2006 14:49:17 Load plugins from
05.01.2006 14:49:17 WindowManager.Load
05.01.2006 14:49:17 load calibration1280x1024.xml
05.01.2006 14:49:17 WindowManager.Preinitialize
05.01.2006 14:49:17 TexturePacker: Loaded skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx21.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
05.01.2006 14:49:17 TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:199
05.01.2006 14:49:17 TexturePacker: Loaded skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx20.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
05.01.2006 14:49:17 TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:198
05.01.2006 14:49:18 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\black.bmp total:0 mem left:236978176
05.01.2006 14:49:18 WindowManager.ActivateWindow
05.01.2006 14:49:18 xml:skin\BlueTwo\home.xml image id:1000 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
05.01.2006 14:49:18 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\hover_my plugins.png total:1 mem left:236978176
05.01.2006 14:49:18 Texturemanager loaded temporay:skin\BlueTwo\media\animations\1.png 94x125 format:A8R8G8B8
05.01.2006 14:49:18 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\animations\1.png total:2 mem left:236978176
05.01.2006 14:49:20 Texturemanager loaded temporay:skin\BlueTwo\media\animations\89.png 94x125 format:A8R8G8B8
05.01.2006 14:49:20 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\animations\89.png total:90 mem left:236978176
05.01.2006 14:49:20 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
05.01.2006 14:49:20 skin initialized
05.01.2006 14:49:20 DX9 size: 1280x1024
05.01.2006 14:49:20 video ram left:231424 KByte
05.01.2006 14:49:20 running...
05.01.2006 14:49:20 Mediaportal.OnStartup()
05.01.2006 14:49:20 Recorder: Loading capture cards from capturecards.xml
05.01.2006 14:49:20 Recorder: card:1 video device:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II Capture TV:True record:True priority:2
05.01.2006 14:49:20 Recorder: card:2 video device:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II Capture TV:True record:True priority:1
05.01.2006 14:49:20 Recorder: tv channel changed:ORF 1
05.01.2006 14:49:20 DatabaseUtility:GetAsInt() column:recording.keepMethod record:7 value: is not an int
05.01.2006 14:49:20 DatabaseUtility:GetAsInt64() column:recording.keepDate record:7 value: is not an Int64
05.01.2006 14:49:20 DatabaseUtility:GetAsInt() column:recording.paddingFront record:7 value: is not an int
05.01.2006 14:49:20 DatabaseUtility:GetAsInt() column:recording.paddingEnd record:7 value: is not an int
05.01.2006 14:49:21 PlugInManager.Load()
05.01.2006 14:49:21 Load plugins from
05.01.2006 14:49:21 Load plugins from
05.01.2006 14:49:21 PlugInManager.Start()
05.01.2006 14:49:21 ECP2: Remoting initialised.
05.01.2006 14:49:22 Loaded font:font13 height:23 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
05.01.2006 14:49:22 Loaded font:font16 height:28 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
05.01.2006 14:49:43 Mediaportal.OnExit()
05.01.2006 14:49:43 Card:1 stop
05.01.2006 14:49:43 Card:2 stop
05.01.2006 14:49:43 PlugInManager.Stop()
05.01.2006 14:49:43 MediaPortal done
05.01.2006 14:49:43 dbs:close
05.01.2006 14:49:43 dbs:close:TVDatabaseV21.db3
Actually I've never been on IRC yet.FlipGer said:3) Are you on IRC some times?
I have never changed the priorities of my cards yet. Card1 is the PVR-350 with prio=2, Card2 is the PVR-150 with prio=1
I hope I could help you.