Ongoing Performance with EPIA SP 13000... (1 Viewer)


New Member
June 24, 2005
...and a Dvico FusionHDTV DVB-T Plus.

Just viewing SDTV at the moment in a window :

  • FusionHDTV (and codec) that comes with the card uses ~ 50%.
    DNTV Live! using Intervideo codecs from WinDVD 7 ~ 20-30%
    Media Portal standing around doing nothing but looking pretty ~ 20%
    Media Portal with Intervideo (Overlay) ~ 40-50%
I don't understand how MediaPortal is put together, but I was surprised to see it consume 20% CPU when it's just sitting there (was just at the MyTV screen with the TV off). Thought it would idle along, which of course it does with anyone running a regular AMD/Intel HTPC, but these little EPIAs are a different story.

Not surprisingly, if I disable DxVA, poor little CPU works hard (100%), and the display gets the stutters.

I look forward to 0.1.3.x to see if the bright lads have found some performance improvements.

But anyway, that's SDTV sorted for me, next is to see if I can get MPEG4 to use the EPIA's hardware.


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  • April 27, 2004
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    MP uses DirectX9 technologies like a game. Since the integrated VIA graphics card has very poor DirectX9 support, the CPU has do do much work, just displaying MP...



    New Member
    June 24, 2005
    Champion, that fills the knowledge gap.

    So that'll mean I'll only have 80% to play with using MP. Things I should have researched before getting this mobo!

    If MPG4 plays ok, then that'll do... I haven't been tempted to MCE yet (although I did acquire the remote), and I'd need to be super-keen to go down the linux path, although I have heard good things about EPIOS. Apparently great hardware support for the EPIA boards.

    Thanks for the DX9 info.

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