Picture description, headline or title? (1 Viewer)


Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    I would like one of the above IPTC metadata fields to display when viewing pictures in MP. I don't really care which, as I can populate the appropriate field in IrfanView or XnView. Similar requests have been made before (see Display IPTC captions/tag from picture in slideshow) but the only thing that seems to have been done is to provide EXIF information upon pressing F3 or the info key. This isn't what I want. In fact, many sources recommend against adding descriptive information in EXIF.
    Is there any way to do this in MP's native "Pictures", or must I install the Raw Picture Viewer plugin, even though I don't use RAW format in my picture library?

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