Pinnacle PCTV icw MP - Twain drivers problem ?? (1 Viewer)



@all you progammers/developers/etc.

I read on GoT in The Netherlands that, althoug MCE2005 supports only HW MPEG2 encoders, SW encoders (such as Pinnacle TV) can also be used as long as the TWAIN drivers of the capture card ARE NOT INSTALLED!

Looking at the posts here regarding problems / hick-ups with SW capture cards, could that be the same problem? Not that I question your programming skills :wink:

I will also give it a try this evening, because I have still the Twain drivers of Pinnacle installed...

Keep you posted and/or looking forward to your reply

The Anaconda

Hmm interesting idea... I'll have to try that with my Pinnacle card when I get home from work...

Wait no I can't I've got somewere to go. Blast!

Keep us updated see what happens!


Well, have tried it all night, with all imaginable combinations, but no result :cry: :cry: In fact the only result was a locked up system again and again, where the only thing still working was the reset button :x

There are two, no three options now:
1. Wait for the new release and hope for the best (as I have read, the MyTV section is completely rewritten)
2. Buy a new TV card, one with hardware MPEG2 encoding
3. Learn as soon as possible to program in .NET :wink: so that I can contribute what is likely to be the best software for a HTPC system

Just by writing this I came up with a forth, but more drastic option, being starting from scratch (fresh and clean install of WXP) using NLite to skip any unneccessary material from Windows and then try to install and get MP working.

My gut feeling says ithe lock-up of the computer is a combination of WXP SP2, Pinnacle drivers and MP. I am really sorry that I am not able (yet) to program in .NET or else I would be very willing in participating in this fantastic project.

Or does any of you developers like MrMario64 has any clue of what the problem of the lock-up could be?

The Anaconda

Well my machine never locked up with my Pinnacle card while I was playing with it, but while I was configuring the card really strange things would happen:

1: I'd add the card, select it's options as "TV Tuner"

2: Next screen it would go to scan the channesl. I could see all the channels as it went through them but it didn't put them in the list.

3: Next I'd hit scan again and it would just stay at frequency 0 Hz.

4: So I cancelled and went back to the card configuration screen and it had forgotten that I had selected it as type "TV Tuner", not only that but the entire list was empty it forgot ALL of it's options!

Had to restart the program to bring them back, then the same behavior happened. But it never locked up.

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