Pinnacle PCTV Stereo, recording problem (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
December 26, 2005
Area: Media Portal Program
MediaPortal Version: RC2 (2005-12-16)
MediaPortal Skin: mce
Windows Version: Windows XP (SP2)
.NET CLR Version: 2.0.50727
DirectX Version: (9.0c)
Audio Codec: MPEG/AC3/DTS/LPCM Audio Decoder
Video Codec: Mpeg2Dec Filter
CPU Type: Intel Pentium 4 - 3.00GHz
Memory: 1 GB
Motherboard: D925XCV (Intel Corporation)
TV Card Model: General S/W encoding card ( Pinnacle PCTV Stereo )
TV Card Type: Software
TV Card Driver: -
Video Card Model: Nvidia Geforce Pcx 5750 (128 MB)
Video Card Driver: -
Video Card Resolution: 1280x1024
Video Render Type: VMR9
Audio Card Model: M-Audio Delta 1010LT
Audio Card Driver: -

Poblem with recording
the picture works 4-5 seconds and then the picture freezes for 1 second.
I use ffdshow, MPEG4 to divx

Link to video sample & log files


Portal Member
December 26, 2005
Hmmm.. Someone must have a working system with a Pinnacle pctv card :cry:
It works with pinacle´s software and with Dscaler
so i think it would work with MediaPortlal


Portal Pro
April 28, 2005
Falls Church, VA
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
because it works in other software doesn't really have an impact with whether it works in MP...

If you don't want to invest in a hardware card, I would say go back to version 0.1.3 as that supports S/W cards (not sure about your card specifically).

You won't be able to view while recording tho. And your CPU usage will be thru the roof, but it should record OK. If you need help with the DivX settings, let me know as I had a working SW setup before I ditched it for a HW card


Portal Member
December 26, 2005
Bollocks :evil:
I got this card as a christmas gift
but i think I will have to by my self a new one, Will a hauppauge WinTV-PVR-150 work ? I don´t want to spent to much monney on a card to this computer because I will build my self a new htpc mashine soon


Portal Member
December 26, 2005
elconejito said:
f you need help with the DivX settings, let me know as I had a working SW setup before I ditched it for a HW card

Please give me the settings, so I can make test before i by my self a new card


Portal Pro
April 28, 2005
Falls Church, VA
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
i just looked at your AVI file. Even tho your CPU isn't maxxed out, the CPU is still the issue. What settings are you using now? Are you using FFDShow? (so I know where to start...)

nielsi - same for you too I'll try and answer here instead of in multiple threads. Regarding recording on one card and watching another, I would guess and say "no" simply because CPU usage will be too high (either recording or watching will suffer), but the only way would be to try and see if it works...


Portal Member
December 26, 2005
Yes i use FFDshow, CPU pending between 33-43% during recording


Portal Member
December 30, 2005
The Netherlands
I tried using FFDShow with Xvid, DivX and Uncompressed. And audio as Mpeg Layer-3 or PCM. High quality and low quality, exact same result. I don't know anything about all the details in these codec settings :? so I just used all default settings and tried changing the quality.

It's weird that it should be the CPU because other software doesn't seem to have any trouble recording at all. That's the frustrating part for me :evil:
I'm in the same boat as Molgan; also planning on building a HTPC soon, but I feel I want to have MP under control on my pc and know all the ins and outs before I start spending money.

(see screenshot of settingsscreen, for other screenshots please ask)

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