please advise - how do i get my mce remote (rosewill rrc-126) to close MP (1 Viewer)


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November 23, 2010
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United States of America United States of America
I have searched all over the board and i still can not find a answer to this. My brand new rosewill rrc-126 wmc remote came today. First thing i did was search the message board for what settings to use. I found one post that said to disable media center services so i could use the green button to start MP instead. I was so happy when i got that working right off the bat !

But I can't get the (power off) button on the remote to close just MP and not put windows 7 in sleep mode. I found the post where it is mentioned that i must remap the button to " exit media portal ". But in my setting already has that option selected.

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I can set policy in windows / control panel to make pressing the power button do nothing. But it still will not close Mp. Maybe i am just this dumb , but i can not for the life of me figure this out.

I tried using a imon remote / receiver package and i took that garbage back and got this remote (to much work to get all the buttons to work and it was buggy) . To anyone new to mp like me , i would definitely recommended getting a wmc remote , everything works right out of the box. I only have a problem with this one customizing issue.

also i just wanted to thank the plug-in makers and MP's coders for making a Superior wmc alternative.

windows 7
media portal
Rosewill RRC-126


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  • June 10, 2008
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    control panel -> hardware & sound -> power buttons -> change what the power buttons do

    i think this may prevent the mce remote power button putting the HTPC to sleep, it will also have side-effect of changing the behaviour of your regular power button on the front of the PC and also the power button on your keyboard (if you have one)

    EDIT: opps i see you already have done this part.

    can you select Action: Exit mediaportal

    also does editing the mce config actually change button behaviours eg. try disabling one of the other keys and see if this has an effect, this is necessary to trouble shoot.

    If you still can not get it to exit then you can use lmremote program to achieve the function you desire. I actually use lmremote to call a batch file that force closes mediaportal then restarts mediaportal using the clear button on my mce remote. This is useful as mediaportal occasionally crashes (usually after to many s3 sleep cycles)


    Portal Member
    November 23, 2010
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    United States of America United States of America
    " can you select Action: Exit mediaportal "

    This option only appears in the drop down menu if i have the (power down) radial button checked. And it has no effect. Mp does not close.

    " also does editing the mce config actually change button behaviours eg. try disabling one of the other keys and see if this has an effect, this is necessary to trouble shoot."

    I removed the mapping from the list for the play button and sure enough , that button didn't work anymore till i re - added it.

    " If you still can not get it to exit then you can use lmremote program to achieve the function you desire. I actually use lmremote to call a batch file that force closes mediaportal then restarts mediaportal using the clear button on my mce remote. This is useful as mediaportal occasionally crashes (usually after to many s3 sleep cycles)"

    So you also cannot get it to close MP by editing the button i tried ? I will try this app. I do wonder why i can't seem to edit the function for this one button :( Thank you so much for replying to my question so fast.


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  • June 10, 2008
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    can you assign exit mediaportal to the play button?

    sounds like there is a bug, either: powerkey can't be assigned certain functions or the implementation of exit mediaportal is broken.

    I havn't tried to assign a mce button to exit mediaportal, i will try this sometime. However I can already exit mediaportal by pressing home menu key then pressing the left arrow in streamedmp basic home screen, it gives options to exit mediaporta / sleep / restart mediaportal. I prefer to use the power button for putting my HTPC to sleep. I exit mediaportal via the menus. If mediaportal crashes then assigning a remote button to exit mediaportal will not work, this is why I assigned [clear] button to force close and then restart mediaportal (in event of mediaportal crashing)


    Portal Member
    November 23, 2010
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    " an you assign exit mediaportal to the play button? "

    Yes that works fine. thank you for staying up with me and helping me figure this out.
    how odd that i can't make the power button do this . Maybe its hard coded to only do one thing ?


    Super Moderator
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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    I'm guessing the power HID mce remote signal is probably quite unique because it also is interpretated the same way as using the power button on the case. It may be that lmremote is not able to do this function also, however lmremote will be your next best shot if you want to make mediaportal exit using the power button.

    Alternatively you can use a skin that has exit mediaportal as part of the home menu controls (eg. StreamedMP skin)

    I don't think I can help you any further, you might want to consider posting a bug report in the appropriate part of the forum. This however might be something that the developers will not fix.


    Portal Member
    November 23, 2010
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    United States of America United States of America
    yeah , i don't think it will be changed due to that either. Kinda minor i guess. sorry to have wasted your time here , i guess i got happy because i saw that i could change stuff with green button. I got customizing happy :)

    You are right i will just use the arrow buttons to make it high light the off icon on top. This program is so great it wont matter. Time to go back to watching my scary movies :) You have been very kind to this noob :)


    I just made the green button which i use to start MP , the same button i mapped to the action " exit " . So if i push it once , MP starts and if i hit it again . Mp will close.

    This frees up the power but to actually be used for putting the PC to sleep ! thanks again guys for making such a cool program !!

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