Plug In Idea : WDTV Metadata creator (1 Viewer)


Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    WDTV Live HD is a really cheap extender that works really well, but unfortunately can't read or use the mediaportal media libarary. My idea would allow people to use WDTV Live HD's with mediaportal's metadata library. This way people could use WDTV without having to bother maintaining 2x separate media libraries and take advantage of mediaportal's excellent metadata scrapers that are far better than WDTV's one.

    The plugin on first run would do the following

    1. Scan moving pictures database
    - Create WDTV metadata for each entry file database

    2. Scan my tv series database
    - Create WDTV metadata for each entry file database

    3. Scan tv recordings database
    - Create WDTV metadata for each entry file database

    Then the plugin would monitor the 3 databases and create new metadata for any files that are added. If any files are removed from the database then the plugin would delete the metadata that it created.

    If you would use this plugin please chime in with a +1 to show interest/support and hopefully someone will consider picking up this project.


    Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 25, 2006
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    What about making a universal metadata creation tool for even more standalone media players where you can choose from a range of different ones? Users can supply formats and help testing/identifying them. In MediaPortal, updating a database triggers the plugin to export new data. The only standalone player I have is a BluRay player with a very limited GUI, so I can't help testing, but I'm sure there are quite a few to choose from on this forum alone.


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