[Plugin] DVDArt - All artwork for MovingPictures, MyFilms, TVSeries, Music & more!!! (4 Viewers)


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta
    a queston
    i have instaled the plugin and replacad the xml file
    but i dont see the dvd or clearart in mediaportal
    i have mediaportal 1.3alfha and movingpictures1.4
    am i doning somthing wrong ??????

    rico12345, what skin are you using? The xml in the first post was an example for StreamedMP, so if you are not using that skin, it will not work.


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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta

    kiwijunglist, there is a good explanation by SpudR in post #120. Basically:

    I was hoping you'd create a batch command using imagemagick to just auto create all the missing disc images using either fanart or poster with only one click.

    kiwijunglist, I've included your request in the latest version. You can go into Movies with Missing artwork, right click on a movie and choose "Use Cover Art for DVD Art". Hope this is in line with what you had in mind.
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    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi merc, yup that is good and close to what I had in mind. I imagined that you could click and create disc images for all the disc images at once (maybe you can use shift click then right click all of them). I hoped that disc images made this way would still be marked for future searches and if in the future a proper online disc image became available for that movie it would automatically over write the user generated one.
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    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta
    As promised in post #123, I am pleased to advise that version is available from here.

    This new version has various new features and also has some design changes to accommodate the innovations:
    • Caters for MovingPictures as well as TVSeries
    • Can use Cover Art for DVDArt in case of MovingPictures. This can be done by right clicking on a movie in Movies without Artwork tab and choosing "Use Cover Art for DVD Art"
    • Exposes 3 properties which can be used in skin files to make MODs easier, namely
      • #MovingPictures.DVDArt - <thumbs folder>\MovingPictures\DVDArt\FullSize
      • #MovingPictures.ClearArt - <thumbs folder>\MovingPictures\ClearArt\FullSize
      • #MovingPictures.ClearLogo - <thumbs folder>\MovingPictures\ClearLogo\FullSize
    Below is an example of how the new properties can be used in skin xml files.
    <!-- m3rcury : Rotating DVDArt -->
          <description>Rotating Movie disc</description>
          <animation effect="rotate" delay="0" end="-360" centre="475,258" time="8000" loop="true" condition="true">Conditional</animation>
    <!-- m3rcury : Rotating DVDArt -->

    ClearArt and ClearLogo for TVSeries are downloaded in ..\thumbs\TVSeries\ClearArt\FullSize and ..\thumbs\TVSeries\ClearLogo\FullSize respectively.

    Hope you like.
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