[Plugin] DVDArt - All artwork for MovingPictures, MyFilms, TVSeries, Music & more!!! (7 Viewers)


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  • June 1, 2012
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    @m3rcury , why does the plugin not pick up all DVD covers during scrape?, it only finds missing DVD covers when I select refresh from online, this is a pain as I have several hundred missing

    Same for ClearArt and ClearLogo

    @tony3ridge, @fischy667, what do you mean only picks up missing. If you go on a movie in the Movies with Artwork tab and click Refresh from on-line, it will download all artwork and then you have to choose which ones to apply. If on the other hand you want to download all the missing artwork, you need to go to the Movies Missing Artwork tab and select Rescan ALL missing or select a number of movies from the list and select Send to importer. If artwork is found, and it is missing for the movie, the plugin will download it.
    Sorry if I wasn't clear, if after a scrape there are movies without a DVD cover/clearart even when you select rescan all missing the plugin doesn't always find the DVD cover/clearart, but if you select the refresh from online option the plugin does find artwork


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta
    @m3rcury , why does the plugin not pick up all DVD covers during scrape?, it only finds missing DVD covers when I select refresh from online, this is a pain as I have several hundred missing

    Same for ClearArt and ClearLogo

    @tony3ridge, @fischy667, what do you mean only picks up missing. If you go on a movie in the Movies with Artwork tab and click Refresh from on-line, it will download all artwork and then you have to choose which ones to apply. If on the other hand you want to download all the missing artwork, you need to go to the Movies Missing Artwork tab and select Rescan ALL missing or select a number of movies from the list and select Send to importer. If artwork is found, and it is missing for the movie, the plugin will download it.
    Sorry if I wasn't clear, if after a scrape there are movies without a DVD cover/clearart even when you select rescan all missing the plugin doesn't always find the DVD cover/clearart, but if you select the refresh from online option the plugin does find artwork

    Ok, thanks for the explanation. Can you quote an example please as I haven't encountered this or I didn't notice it ;)


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  • Team MediaPortal
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  • May 5, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    I made a list and posted it in the conversation. Most of the title are german.

    IMDB-ID title
    tt0061017 Spur der Steine (1966)
    tt0061369 Asterix der Gallier (1967)
    tt0067355 Die rechte und die linke Hand des Teufels (1970)
    tt0069697 Zwei wie Pech und Schwefel (1974)
    tt0072901 Asterix erobert Rom (1976)
    tt0073036 Nobody ist der Größte (1975)
    tt0076723 Schlappschuß (1977)
    tt0077864 Sie nannten ihn Mücke (1978)
    tt0079351 Das Krokodil und sein Nilpferd (1979)
    tt0082100 La Boum - Die Fete - Eltern unerwünscht (1980)
    tt0085327 Zwei Asse trumpfen auf (1981)
    tt0087182 Der Wüstenplanet (1984)
    tt0087481 Vier Fäuste gegen Rio (1984)
    tt0088748 Asterix - Sieg über Cäsar (1985)
    tt0090667 Asterix bei den Briten (1986)
    tt0095016 Die Hard (1988)
    tt0095705 Die nackte Kanone (1988)
    tt0096842 Asterix - Operation Hinkelstein (1989)
    tt0097165 Der Club der toten Dichter (1989)
    tt0102510 Die nackte Kanone 2 1/2 (1991)
    tt0102798 Robin Hood - König der Diebe (1991)
    tt0105690 Alarmstufe: Rot (1992)
    tt0106582 Cliffhanger - Nur die Starken überleben (1993)
    tt0106918 Die Firma (1993)
    tt0110322 Legenden der Leidenschaft (1994)
    tt0113071 Der erste Ritter (1995)
    tt0114781 Alarmstufe - Rot 2 (1995)
    tt0114887 Dem Himmel so nah (1995)
    tt0116409 Der Geist und die Dunkelheit (1996)
    tt0116583 Der Glöckner von Notre Dame (1996)
    tt0117913 Die Jury (1996)
    tt0119698 Prinzessin Mononoke (1997)
    tt0119822 Besser geht's nicht (1997)
    tt0119874 Projekt: Peacemaker (1997)
    tt0120363 Toy Story 2 (1999)
    tt0120828 Sechs Tage sieben Nächte (1998)
    tt0139134 Eiskalte Engel (1999)
    tt0164184 Der Anschlag (2002)
    tt0177971 Der Sturm (2000)
    tt0183649 Nicht auflegen! (2002)
    tt0183869 Taxi Taxi (2000)
    tt0190138 Keine halben Sachen (2000)
    tt0228786 Die purpurnen Flüsse (2000)
    tt0240772 Ocean's Eleven (2001)
    tt0244244 Passwort: Swordfish (2001)
    tt0248408 Der Schuh des Manitu (2001)
    tt0268380 Ice Age (2002)
    tt0290334 X-Men 2 (2003)
    tt0292506 Der Einsatz (2003)
    tt0293564 Rush Hour 3 (2007)
    tt0326429 Das Wunder von Bern (2003)
    tt0327084 Ab durch die Hecke (2006)
    tt0327247 Keine halben Sachen 2 - Jetzt erst recht! (2004)
    tt0328880 Bärenbrüder (2003)
    tt0335345 Die Passion Christi (2004)
    tt0349047 (T)Raumschiff Surprise - Periode 1 (2004)
    tt0362120 Scary Movie 4 (2006)
    tt0363771 Die Chroniken von Narnia - Der König von Narnia (2005)
    tt0373051 Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde (2008)
    tt0376541 Hautnah (2004)
    tt0393597 Unsere Erde (2007)
    tt0398286 Rapunzel - Neu verföhnt (2010)
    tt0399201 Die Insel (2005)
    tt0408306 München (2005)
    tt0409904 Wächter des Tages (2006)
    tt0413099 Evan Allmächtig (2007)
    tt0413267 Shrek der Dritte (2007)
    tt0414387 Stolz & Vorurteil (2005)
    tt0415306 Ricky Bobby - König der Rennfahrer (2006)
    tt0421715 Der seltsame Fall des Benjamin Button (2008)
    tt0443274 8 Blickwinkel (2008)
    tt0443536 Die Rotkäppchenverschwörung (2005)
    tt0443701 Akte X - Jenseits der Wahrheit (2008)
    tt0449088 Pirates of the Caribbean - Am Ende der Welt (2007)
    tt0452694 Die Frau des Zeitreisenden (2009)
    tt0465624 Die Super-Ex (2006)
    tt0465925 Bärenbrüder 2 (Video 2006)
    tt0467200 Die Schwester der Königin (2008)
    tt0472062 Der Krieg des Charlie Wilson (2007)
    tt0478311 Beim ersten Mal (2007)
    tt0487271 Wo ist Fred? (2006)
    tt0499448 Die Chroniken von Narnia - Prinz Kaspian von Narnia (2008)
    tt0765432 Der Baader Meinhof Komplex (2008)
    tt0783233 Abbitte (2007)
    tt0800039 Nie wieder Sex mit der Ex (2008)
    tt0800080 Der unglaubliche Hulk (2008)
    tt0800240 Deception (2008)
    tt0814255 Percy Jackson: Diebe im Olymp (2010)
    tt0824747 Der fremde Sohn (2008)
    tt0825232 Das Beste kommt zum Schluss (2007)
    tt0834001 Underworld - Aufstand der Lykaner (2009)
    tt0844471 Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen (2009)
    tt0859163 Die Mumie - Das Grabmal des Drachenkaisers (2008)
    tt0882977 Snitch - Ein riskanter Deal (2013)
    tt0887912 Tödliches Kommando - The Hurt Locker (2008)
    tt0892791 Für immer Shrek (2010)
    tt0960790 Keinohrhasen (2007)
    tt0963966 Duell der Magier (2010)
    tt0968264 Die Lincoln Verschwörung (2010)
    tt0970416 Der Tag, an dem die Erde stillstand (2008)
    tt0976051 Der Vorleser (2008)
    tt0985699 Operation Walküre - Das Stauffenberg-Attentat (2008)
    tt1013743 Knight and Day (2010)
    tt1041829 Selbst ist die Braut (2009)
    tt1054485 Futurama - Die Ära des Tentakels (Video 2008)
    tt1054487 Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder (Video 2009)
    tt1064932 Willkommen bei den Sch'tis (2008)
    tt1073241 Nichts als die Wahrheit (2008)
    tt1078885 Im tiefen Tal der Superbabes (2009)
    tt1080016 Ice Age 3 - Die Dinosaurier sind los (2009)
    tt1114740 Der Kaufhaus Cop (2009)
    tt1130080 Der Informant! (2009)
    tt1132620 Verblendung (2009)
    tt1139328 Der Ghostwriter (2010)
    tt1189340 Der Mandant (2011)
    tt1212450 Lawless - Die Gesetzlosen (2012)
    tt1216487 Verdammnis (2009)
    tt1220719 Ip Man (2008)
    tt1226229 Männertrip (2010)
    tt1234548 Männer, die auf Ziegen starren (2009)
    tt1339122 Maria, ihm schmeckt's nicht! (2009)
    tt1343097 Vergebung (2009)
    tt1343755 Zweiohrküken (2009)
    tt1375670 Kindsköpfe (2010)
    tt1386703 Total Recall (2012)
    tt1386932 Ip Man 2 (2010)
    tt1446192 Die Hüter des Lichts (2012)
    tt1499658 Kill the Boss (2011)
    tt1515091 Sherlock Holmes - Spiel im Schatten (2011)
    tt1534089 Die Wanderhure (TV Movie 2010)
    tt1611211 Vincent will Meer (2010)
    tt1611224 Abraham Lincoln Vampirjäger (2012)
    tt1623205 Die fantastische Welt von Oz (2013)
    tt1641638 Ip Man Zero (2010)
    tt1646926 Jagdfieber 3 (2010)
    tt1650536 Türkisch für Anfänger (2012)
    tt1667355 3096 Tage (2013)
    tt1675434 Ziemlich beste Freunde (2011)
    tt1707386 Les Misérables (2012)
    tt1729211 Männerherzen... und die ganz ganz große Liebe (2011)
    tt1758830 Immer Ärger mit 40 (2012)
    tt1802810 Rubbeldiekatz (2011)
    tt1905041 Fast & Furious 6 (2013)
    tt1915581 Magic Mike (2012)
    tt2229109 Die Rache der Wanderhure (TV Movie 2012)
    tt2244901 Das hält kein Jahr ...! (2013)
    tt2302755 Olympus Has Fallen - Die Welt in Gefahr (2013)
    tt2475646 Das Vermächtnis der Wanderhure (TV Movie 2012)
    tt2725576 Der Minister (TV Movie 2013)

    Most known are e.g.
    tt0095016 Die Hard (1988)
    tt2302755 Olympus Has Fallen (2013)
    tt1905041 Fast & Furious 6 (2013)
    tt1915581 Magic Mike (2012)
    tt1707386 Les Misérables (2012)
    tt1080016 Ice Age 3 (2009)
    tt0887912 The Hurt Locker (2008)
    tt0293564 Rush Hour 3 (2007)
    tt0120363 Toy Story 2 (1999)
    tt0268380 Ice Age (2002)
    tt0290334 X-Men 2 (2003)


    MP Donator
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  • June 1, 2012
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    @tony3ridge, @fischy667, what do you mean only picks up missing. If you go on a movie in the Movies with Artwork tab and click Refresh from on-line, it will download all artwork and then you have to choose which ones to apply. If on the other hand you want to download all the missing artwork, you need to go to the Movies Missing Artwork tab and select Rescan ALL missing or select a number of movies from the list and select Send to importer. If artwork is found, and it is missing for the movie, the plugin will download it.
    Sorry if I wasn't clear, if after a scrape there are movies without a DVD cover/clearart even when you select rescan all missing the plugin doesn't always find the DVD cover/clearart, but if you select the refresh from online option the plugin does find artwork

    Ok, thanks for the explanation. Can you quote an example please as I haven't encountered this or I didn't notice it ;)
    No problem, bad boys 1 & 2, there were many, do you want logs?


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta
    I made a list and posted it in the conversation. Most of the title are german.

    @fischy667, unless you have selected to download only German artwork and for the ones in question there is no english ones, the plugin will not download any artwork. If you have a language selected, can you try a couple with language set as Any?


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  • May 5, 2010
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I thought the language setting means in my case: Download german, and if german is not available download english??

    And by the way: the language setting also does not work properly. E.g. for kiss the girls (tt0119468) always the english ClearArt is downloaded, although there is a german one.


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    MP Donator
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  • December 29, 2009
    Home Country
    Iceland Iceland
    I've been using this plugin, and I like it. Now I had to format my disk and install everything again. DVDArt scrapes for the Moving Pictures and TV-series, but no music or actors. If someone could look into the log and see what is wrong


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta
    I've been using this plugin, and I like it. Now I had to format my disk and install everything again. DVDArt scrapes for the Moving Pictures and TV-series, but no music or actors. If someone could look into the log and see what is wrong

    @kjarrig, looking at logs, it is downloading actor images in C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\Actors. Can you see if you have images there. As regards to music, there seems to be something wrong and I need to find some time to fix. Hopefully soon!!

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