[Plugin] MPSync - MediaPortal multi-seat Synchronization (6 Viewers)


Portal Pro
June 22, 2009
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Belgium Belgium
TiboTV, the issue of not displaying databases is because it is not managing to resolve the IP address. Can you use a DNS name or else map a drive to that IP. This should work fine.

Same problem with DNS name, plugin blocked on same step.
With a drive mapping, plugin seems to go till the end of synchronization but databases aren't displayed in the interface to select which are synchronized or not.

In attachment you'll find the 2 logs (DNS and map drive)

Other small things : If I run a manual synchronization, save button is no longer available, so settings must be entered again after a synchronization testing.

ajs said:
With a drive mapping, plugin seems to go till the end of synchronization but databases aren't displayed in the interface to select which are synchronized or not
I have the same on the client.
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Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
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    Malta Malta
    Can you make your nice tool compatible for the MP1.4 pre. Because the new version is nice (fast).
    :whistle:Please ..

    dyamant, will release a compatible version soon as am testing other new bits in the plugin.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta
    MPSync v1.0.0.6 has just been released. Please download from here.

    This version is compatible with the upcoming MediaPortal v1.4.0. There are also various performance enhancements as explained in the new WIKI page.

    Please give it a go and raise any issues, suggestions, etc in the Issues Tracker.

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    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
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    Malta Malta
    Wanted to inform you that am testing an enhancement to the Thumbs synchronization which will allow drastic reduction in network traffic and CPU processing. Currently, whenever a Thumb synchronization is due, the plugin scans both the source and target folders, compares them and identifies differences. The change is to have the above happen only once, soon after plugin startup, then set a watch on the source folder and synchronize only the changes. I have already seen dramatic improvements in the plugin response times, so stay tuned... :cool:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta
    MPSync v1.0.0.7 has just been released. This version has various performance enhancement on the thumbs synchronization side. It also solves the freezing issue reported by ililoh85.

    Please download from here.



    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta
    i have a nother issue i think :D

    View attachment 128733

    i am aboute 20 minutes on this status.

    ililoh, am noticing that one of the databases is actually a sqlite journal. Can you change your setup and select specific databases. Make sure you select the ones ending in .db3 only, and give it another go.


    Portal Pro
    July 6, 2008
    So, currently, I have two HTPCs, with their mediaportaldirs.xml file pointing to DBs on my separate win2k8 server. Sadly, I get database corruption pretty frequently. How can I implement this? Looks like i'd copy my databases locally, reset mediaportaldirs.xml to defaults, and need to make changes to my mp-tvseries and movingpictures DBs to point to the new database location. My big issue is that I don't want to have to reimport everything as i have about 5tbs of data.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta
    So, currently, I have two HTPCs, with their mediaportaldirs.xml file pointing to DBs on my separate win2k8 server. Sadly, I get database corruption pretty frequently. How can I implement this? Looks like i'd copy my databases locally, reset mediaportaldirs.xml to defaults, and need to make changes to my mp-tvseries and movingpictures DBs to point to the new database location. My big issue is that I don't want to have to reimport everything as i have about 5tbs of data.

    scythe000, firstly make a copy of all your databases so that you can always revert to them in case of need.

    You have to choose one of the HTPCs to act as your master. This will be the PC you mostly use to do your movie/series imports, etc. Copy the databases from your server to this PC. Do the changes in mediaportaldirs.xml so that the database (and thumbs if you want to) point to the local drive. If you are changing the thumbs folder to local as well, then you need to do changes in MediaPortal plugin, TV-Series plugin, etc so that the thumbs paths point to local drives.

    For this master HTPC, the setup of MPSync should have the local database folder as the Client DB path and the Server DB path as the current win2k8 database path. The synchronization direction should be from Client -> Server. If you are synchronizing thumbs to a local drive, do same setup on the thumbs tab.

    On your second HTPC (slave), you have to change mediaportaldirs.xml with local folders as well. The setup of MPSync should have the local database folder as the Client DB path and the Server DB path as the current win2k8 database path. This time the synchronization direction should be from Server -> Client. You do not need to copy the databases manually as the plugin will take care of this task. If you are synchronizing thumbs to a local drive, do same setup on the thumbs tab.

    Start the synchronization on the slave HTPC so that the databases/thumbs are copied over from the server to your local PC. Once this is done, execute synchronization on master HTPC to see that no errors are encountered.

    You should be ready to go!


    MP Donator
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  • January 1, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    I think I have found a bug that causes MP to crash with an unhgandled exception.
    I added some new photos to my library and then called the folder from within mediaportal. Thumb generation n this folder was starting and running well.
    Then (see error.log) Mediaportal crashed as a file was inaccessible and in use by another process. Timing suggest that it came to this crash when MPSync was starting thumbs folder synchronisation. This was reproducible. The error did not occur when starting MP in debug mode without extensions.
    Log files from full debug mode with loaded extensions attached.

    Edit: MPSync Version
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