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While I have not found if there is a fix for the "Path" issue, there is a work around in 5.6

I will be downloading and installing MySQL 5.7.2M12 today


[1 Aug 12:09] Jefferson Dollar

It looks like this is a issue depending on the collation for the table. In MySQL 5.6.13, if the collation was set to utf8 - default collation, creating an index over a certain size will fail. However, if the collation for the table is set to latin1 - default collation, the index is silently truncated.


Edit: Crashed - MP2 Server will not start

Removed MP2, Installed Mysql5.7.2.M12

I did a fresh install of MP2

Stopped the MP2-Server process

Installed the last post of MySQLDatabase to MP2-Server

MP2-Server process would not start.

Crash folder also has install and temp files from MySQL

Let me know if there is anything else you need.... If you would like me to try something, please give me detail because I do not know what I am doing with MySQL outside of the config file.

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