Plugin Development (6 Viewers)

Use this forum if you are working on a plugin and need help, or want to showcase your work.
  • Sticky
MP1 MP2 MP2 - V2.5 TVMosaic Provider for MP2 (1 Viewer) DE
Hi , I try to put the recording on a network, but TVMOSAIC Server does not take into account the network paths in Recording Path; Do you think of a way of recording a network disc? THANKS Ludis
Hi , I try to put the recording on a network, but TVMOSAIC Server does not take into account the network paths in Recording Path...
The current TV engine (TVE3) for Media Portal 1 and 2 was developed long time before and is not state of the art any more...
  • Sticky
MP1 MP2 Trakt for MP2 DE
Wiki updated for Trakt plugin.
Wiki updated for Trakt plugin.
Hi, there were many requests to add Trakt / support to MP2. As I don't use those services, I need some help in...
  • Sticky
@henso @Brownard @morpheus_xx or any other active developer, Anybody who is willing to bring the plugin back to life or offering an alternative solution? Speech control was really comfortable and I miss this feature so much :cry: The manual of the Amazon kit is quite good, just my coding skills are to low. Maybe the extracted code...
@henso @Brownard @morpheus_xx or any other active developer, Anybody who is willing to bring the plugin back to life or offering an...
For now I went ahead and implemented the MP2 Plugin ;) (Attached Zip) You need to go into Settings in MP2 and log in to the Amazon...
  • Sticky
Welcome to the Plugin Development forum! MediaPortal 2 needs good people, in the team and in our community, who provide us code plugin ideas. This forum is for people who are developing MediaPortal 2 plugins or who discuss about plugin concepts or plugin integration. It can also be used to ask questions about certain concepts or...
Welcome to the Plugin Development forum! MediaPortal 2 needs good people, in the team and in our community, who provide us code...
Welcome to the Plugin Development forum! MediaPortal 2 needs good people, in the team and in our community, who provide us code...
MP1 MP2 MP2 - V2.4.1 Cinema DE
Really cool plugin, that will be frequently used :)
Really cool plugin, that will be frequently used :)
See alsowiki documentation 1. Go "Settings/Plugins/Cinema/Locations" 2. Type a City in the Searchbox. (e.g. "paris" for Paris ;)...
Thanks guys for your help so far, I'll check out the info.
Thanks guys for your help so far, I'll check out the info.
Hi, I've been using MP2 for a couple of years now. And I was wondering how easy would it be (for me) to add extra features to the...
Maybe the wording “plugin” is misleading, because almost every feature in MP2 is basically a plugin. This allows to even exchange core elements easily. Short: Of course it can be also a feature as part of the installer, means integrated for the user.
Maybe the wording “plugin” is misleading, because almost every feature in MP2 is basically a plugin. This allows to even exchange...
The question, if MP2 can support trailers came up several times (e.g. here) and was so far always neglected mainly because of the...
MP1 MP2 Time elapsed event DE
Thank you for your answer I just found our the MP2 do not support madVR, so it's no longer relevant for me unfortunately
Thank you for your answer I just found our the MP2 do not support madVR, so it's no longer relevant for me unfortunately
Hi All Before I get into writing a plugin, I want to make sure that the most important event for it is exposed by the plugin...
Ah OK, thanks for the hints. I will read the wike. For mkv I was using VLC and there it's not needed to install anything special for it, that's why I thought it could be a missing plugin. For the Albums of the Genre I was using the button you showed but in the and I got an Tracklich of this Genre not an Album list but I will check...
Ah OK, thanks for the hints. I will read the wike. For mkv I was using VLC and there it's not needed to install anything special...
I'm new to MediaPortal and I was looking for Plugins which could make MediaPortal for me workabel but I can only find 9 Plugins...
  • Locked
I am not sure how fully timeshift is implemented currently, for me it works in that I can go forwards and backwards in 15 sec steps but no idea if or where any settings are available. For the latest in the developement of the TV Mosaic integration into MP I suggest you review this thread and also use it to raise any further questions...
I am not sure how fully timeshift is implemented currently, for me it works in that I can go forwards and backwards in 15 sec steps...
I tried mp2.4 with mosaic but mosaic doesn't have hardware acceleration for AMD radeon and video plays poorly.
OK, yeah for some reason it will not work anymore for me using the username and password method. I had to switch over to the zipcode/lineupid method, but now it is working again.
OK, yeah for some reason it will not work anymore for me using the username and password method. I had to switch over to the...
EDIT: I am working on a new setup of this and will post here when completed. The new setup will allow the addition of Series info...
Yes, I can confirm the two versions can coexists. If you are using MP1 TVServer, you must make sure to stop the service first before you install and setup MP2. Both version are using different program and data folders and even different database engines.
Yes, I can confirm the two versions can coexists. If you are using MP1 TVServer, you must make sure to stop the service first...
MP2 - MySQL database provider, updated for Winter Release! After a long day of coding and testing I implemented support for MySQL...
Still for that I need to release onlinevideos, and I think I just figured out how to fix netflix with minimal impact... and it out of the box works with MP1 and MP2. Sorry for being so stubborn :)
Still for that I need to release onlinevideos, and I think I just figured out how to fix netflix with minimal impact... and it out...
Hi, I'm currently working on fixing the login issues for netflix and I need to add some extra browser things. As this has some...
Okay, thanks. That system could definitely be improved, but that's future stuff...
Okay, thanks. That system could definitely be improved, but that's future stuff...
I started looking around in the examples, and I found a lot of things with settings, but I don't actually know what is necessary...
I'm US Eastern (-5 to -4 with DST). I also don't sleep normally, though, so when I'm up is anyone's guess. I got it to build a setup and install on my laptop. Now I can test skin stuff and really get my hands dirty. Nereus is gorgeous, but definitely not made for a mouse or touch screen. I've got some suggestions for it, but I'll put...
I'm US Eastern (-5 to -4 with DST). I also don't sleep normally, though, so when I'm up is anyone's guess. I got it to build a...
Okay, so I've spent the past day and a half on the wiki and forums. I've forked MediaPortal/MediaPortal-2, downloaded a ton of...
It is not documented anywhere in MP, as it is not yet supported by MP. However, there is/was a modified version of MP1 that attempted to use the equivalent information in the Sky EPG for satellite. This might give some clues on what needs to be done. Unfortunately: It was never an official part of MP. It had to be recompiled and...
It is not documented anywhere in MP, as it is not yet supported by MP. However, there is/was a modified version of MP1 that...
I very recently downloaded the source code for MP2 and wanted to experiment and tweak the recording logic (i.e. change how the...
  • Locked
Yes, you'll need to edit a xml file. Check out the Wiki (search for logo or logomanager). I can't post the link now because our firewall is preventing me from accessing the Wiki. Can you elaborate a little bit on what you want to preserve? Note that there is a special MP2 Logomanager thread that I set up for such discussions: MP2 TV...
Yes, you'll need to edit a xml file. Check out the Wiki (search for logo or logomanager). I can't post the link now because our...
Now that the TV features of MP2 and TVE35 are getting more advanced, I think it would be a good time to check what other MP1...
Okay now get an error for Netflix "no player found for ..."??? Amazon "Ressource ...not found"???
Okay now get an error for Netflix "no player found for ..."??? Amazon "Ressource ...not found"???
Hi there if I like to watch a movie in online videos (amazon prime or netflix) I receive the a.m. info ("Ressource BOOTSUWRNQ not...
MP2 is independently developed from MP1, so plugins can not be transferred, they need to be recoded. There are currently no plans to add such plugin. You could use Applauncher plugin to start a web browser from within MP2 for example.
MP2 is independently developed from MP1, so plugins can not be transferred, they need to be recoded. There are currently no plans...
Hi im using MP1 with usfull plugin: Browse The Web / Webbrowser FRITZ!Box Manager wenn can i use this plunin with MP2? kind regards
And how do I get that context menue? When I pressed the right button on my mouse I get no menue for the setting of any user details?
And how do I get that context menue? When I pressed the right button on my mouse I get no menue for the setting of any user details?
Hi, I'm trying to use Amazon Prime, 4oD etc in the Online Videos plugin. Does anyone know where I can set my login details. When...
Hi. Tested v3 quickly. Sadly no luck. Got the same timeout error while restoring series flags than before: No series flags are restored. Issue is with huge collection (roundabout 600 series, 20.000 episodes, 60% watched), not with test collection (with small collection it's working flawlessly)... Probably it is not really a plugin...
Hi. Tested v3 quickly. Sadly no luck. Got the same timeout error while restoring series flags than before: No series flags are...
Hi all, as you probably read in the 2.2 Pre-release news, there will be a plugin to transfer watched flags. This mini plugin has...
a bit old, but still most (if not all?) is relevant: Plugin: Shutdown Manager (or call it whatever you want ;) ) - A blog to develop a MP2 plugin
a bit old, but still most (if not all?) is relevant: Plugin: Shutdown Manager (or call it whatever you want ;) ) - A blog to...
I've got several self written plugins* and wondered about moving to MP2. To enable this I'd have to be able to convert these to...
Thanks, now it works ;) but most channels have no content, like 3sat, br, dokus4me, etc???
Thanks, now it works ;) but most channels have no content, like 3sat, br, dokus4me, etc???
Hi, what do I have to do if I will only see german channels in online videos. The filter function is not comfortable, I whish to...
MP1 MP2 Plugin: CEC remote for MP2 (1 Viewer) DE
@HTPCSourcer Ok. I am no developer so feel free to offer any advice at any time ...... I will have a look later this weekend... Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
@HTPCSourcer Ok. I am no developer so feel free to offer any advice at any time ...... I will have a look later this weekend...
Hi Take your TV remote and control MP2 with it if you have CEC adapter made by Pulse-Eight. Only remote controlling part now...
MP1 MP2 MinisatIP DE
Should work with the DVB-IP tuner in Media-Portal.
Should work with the DVB-IP tuner in Media-Portal.
Hi MP team and members, i have been playing around with a IP based tuner/server system that pretty much supports any tuner known to...
MP1 MP2 Uk tv epg DE
Hi. XMLTV is a standardized format for storing EPG data. It is compatible with nearly every TV solution for Computer out there. But as the name suggests it is an XML file, no json. For json you need a proprietary SD plugin or convert it into XMLTV format. I don't know if there is a SD (- json) plugin for MP. But I know there is a...
Hi. XMLTV is a standardized format for storing EPG data. It is compatible with nearly every TV solution for Computer out there. But...
Is there any in built EPG support for Freesat? Would love to move to MP2 but not without some kind of 7 day EPG Currently use EPG...
sorry that mp2.2 doesn't work as aspected for my setup. i switched two clients to kodi now, no issues so far. :cool:
sorry that mp2.2 doesn't work as aspected for my setup. i switched two clients to kodi now, no issues so far. :cool:
New SlimTV Testbuilds using MPExtended provider Please read our wiki page TV_support for a description of the different operation...
THX for your answer - from the consumer point of view the biggest issue are missing plugins - but that's also with MP1 as a lot of plugin dev's have left meanwhile. But happy to hear that the project is not totally abandoned :)
THX for your answer - from the consumer point of view the biggest issue are missing plugins - but that's also with MP1 as a lot of...
Overview AtmoLight is a process plugin that interfaces with different ambilight solutions and brings Ambilight to MediaPortal. The...
I have no idea, tbh. What I know is if I use shift+u or any letter to bind a command, on movies and TV series it takes you to the first show that start with that letter, and I assumed assigning a new binding was a secondary input what didn't overwrite the original one. Tomorrow I'm gonna test that specific scenario. Sent from my...
I have no idea, tbh. What I know is if I use shift+u or any letter to bind a command, on movies and TV series it takes you to the...
I've just created a little plugin which allows everyone to map key combinations of his HID to any special key available in MP2...
The MP1 Plugin is not required with MP2.
The MP1 Plugin is not required with MP2.
HOW TO INSTALL Media Portal Url Source Splitter
Yes, but I won’t share it here ;):D
Yes, but I won’t share it here ;):D
There appears to be only one or two threads about this and they seem to suggest there was some solution that wasn't shared or no...
Don't know what the rest of you experienced, but the SD plugin does not work in MP2. As a replacement I used the xmltv plugin with the MC2XML plugin. Before all this i basically exported the channels from MP1 where the SD plugin does work, and imported them into MP2. This may have been an important piece for me since I also use the...
Don't know what the rest of you experienced, but the SD plugin does not work in MP2. As a replacement I used the xmltv plugin with...
EDIT THIS DOES NOT WORK I must have missed deleting something after after install and it had maintained the xmltv guide data...
MP1 MP2 MPExtended in MP2 DE
Oh, that would be great, as I could just find the time to change my VM-Host to proxmox and my Win10 is running again as MP2-Server ;-)
Oh, that would be great, as I could just find the time to change my VM-Host to proxmox and my Win10 is running again as MP2-Server ;-)
Can I use MPExtended in providing access to MediaPortal 2 from all over the world ?
You could always change the names of the channels in the tvguide.xml file. That should be easy.
You could always change the names of the channels in the tvguide.xml file. That should be easy.
I have an xmltv file created from Schedules Direct that includes parenthesis in the Channel ID. I came accross a thread that says...
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