[plugin request] Control AMP volume with Mediaportal (1 Viewer)



Hi all,

I have a request. Is it possible to make a plugin for mediaportal, to control the volume (and maybe more) of a receiver connected through LAN?

I would have done it myself but I'm really not capable of doing that. :cry:

I thought of this idea, because when I use passthrough of DTS or Dolby, use WASAPI exclusive mode etc.., I can't use the volume on my HTPC. Wouldn't it be nice to control it through the LAN! And since a lot of receivers are now controllable through the network, why not?

I own a Marantz SR7007 and can control it with this app at the moment: https://play.google.com/store/apps/...1bGwsMSwxLDEwOSwiZGUucHNraXdpLmF2cnJlbW90ZSJd

Does anybody like the idea?
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Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    I use an IR Blaster to control my amp, so the MCE remote's Vol button triggers the PC to send an IR blast to the amp.


    I know there are other ways to do it, but why not 'explore' other ways :-D

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