[Plugin] Streamradio V2 (3 Viewers)


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  • Team MediaPortal
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  • May 5, 2010
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    Looks like there is a problem with these files. Try this one. The picture has to be thumbs/Radio.
    Rename the xml to ndr2.xml and the picture to ndr2.png


    • uploadfromtaptalk1432841080059.png
      17.5 KB
    • uploadfromtaptalk1432840923920.xml
      1.1 KB


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • January 3, 2008
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    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    There are some folders like DiFM, JazzRadio... and there are many xml-files in it. When I want to import one of these file in the plugin in MPconfig, I get an error.
    First of all, I expect all those files to be dead except di.fm, jazzradio and other folders.
    And could you explain how are loadong them? Also maybe logs could help us


    Portal Pro
    June 15, 2012
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Looks like there is a problem with these files. Try this one. The picture has to be thumbs/Radio.
    Rename the xml to ndr2.xml and the picture to ndr2.png

    Still doesn't work.

    There are some folders like DiFM, JazzRadio... and there are many xml-files in it. When I want to import one of these file in the plugin in MPconfig, I get an error.
    First of all, I expect all those files to be dead except di.fm, jazzradio and other folders.
    And could you explain how are loadong them?

    I don't really understand what you mean.

    Also maybe logs could help us

    Here it is.


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • January 3, 2008
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    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    I don't really understand what you mean.
    Me neither.
    i said those xml files will not work.
    I see two problems in your log:
    [2015-05-28 22:03:47,221] [Error ] [MPMain ] [ERROR] - Failed to change to alternate configuration file:
    [2015-05-28 22:03:47,252] [Log ] [MPMain ] [ERROR] - Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: ConfigPathName already has a value.
    bei MediaPortal.Profile.MPSettings.set_ConfigPathName(String value)
    bei MediaPortalApp.Main(String[] args) Message: ConfigPathName already has a value. Site : Void set_ConfigPathName(System.String) Source : Utils Stack Trace: bei MediaPortal.Profile.MPSettings.set_ConfigPathName(String value)
    bei MediaPortalApp.Main(String[] args)
    it could be connected to your words:
    When I want to import one of these file in the plugin in MPconfig, I get an error.
    Please don't do what you're trying to do.
    [2015-05-28 22:04:03,945] [Error ] [MPMain ] [ERROR] - OnMessage exception:confused:ystem.TypeLoadException: Der Typ "MediaPortal.Visualization.VisualizationBase" in der Assembly "Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" konnte nicht geladen werden.
    bei MediaPortal.GUI.MyStreamRadio.GUIRadio_OnPageLoad()
    bei MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindow.OnMessage(GUIMessage message)
    This looks like compatibility problem with 1.11.100 Either you didn't replace dlls in plugins/windows folder with files from Sebastiii's archive or we have new general comaptibility problem with 1.11.100. So we need to understand if anyone could succesfully run plugin on MediaPortal v1.11.100.0 (1.12 Pre-Release i assume)
    Thanks :)


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • January 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    Thanks. That's good but plugins/windows is right folder not plugins/process.
    Anyway we're waiting feedback if anyone could run plugin in 1.12. pre
    Last edited:


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • January 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    Edalex, thank you very much for keeping StreamRadio alive! (y) One thing I would love to get implemented is to config StreamRadio what source to use for feeding #Play.Current.Album back to MediaPortal. I currently use the field in overlay window to show the current radio's logo in basichome and elsewhere. Since the field is populated by StreamRadio from the audio stream, I have to name the logo picture file according to the provided string by radio's audio stream.
    e.g. I play stream http://stream.funradio.sk:8000/fun128.mp3.m3u and the media description provided is "FUN Radio Live" so I name my logo for the radio station as "FUN Radio Live.jpg" and then in common.overlays.xml I use <texture>C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\thumbs\Radio\#Play.Current.Album.jpg</texture> to display the thumbnail logo of the selected stream.

    This works great except when the stream provides back a string with characters that are not possible to use in a filename - e.g. : \ / and therefore I cannot display the thumbnail for the radio station in overlay.

    Therefore it would be great, if there was an option in StreamRadio to use the thumbnail from radio station's configuration xml file (<logo></logo> section), either global option for all stations or individual option for each station in it's own xml.

    Hopefully I explained it well enough and it will not be very difficult to implement. If you need further clarification or testing, please just ask me. Thank you very much.
    Hello, according to wiki http://wiki.team-mediaportal.com/1_...urrent_File_Tags?highlight=Play.Current.Album
    we should populate #Play.Current.Thumb with station image.
    I tried and that's what I've got:
    Is it ok?


    Portal Pro
    March 15, 2010
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    Slovakia Slovakia
    That depends on what is #Play.Current.Thumb populated from. From what I remember, it was not working for me so I had to use #Play.Current.Album. The best way would be if I could use the image filename from station's xml file.

    I wanted to try it but with the latest plugin and StreamedMP skin I get only empty station list in MP 1.11.0.


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • January 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    Nice, since it's not working on your setup you can try my test version without harm :D


    • MyStreamRadio.zip
      49.4 KB


    Portal Pro
    March 15, 2010
    Home Country
    Slovakia Slovakia
    Thanks, your version is working great. #Play.Current.Thumb is populated from the filename stored in XML exactly as asked for (y)
    One more thing , is it possible to hide all the folders with frescaradio.com/jazzradio.com/etc. as it is possible with shoutcast and icecast?

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