First look at Titan skin @Entdecker I've just copied stuff from music plugin files
You could test attached files. Thumbs for inbuilt stations are not working yet. I don't like how GUI is loading.
I hope you could some more bugs.
Hi Edalex!
now I tryed the new "Titan" skin for Streamradio and its works very good
I found only one thinks what it is a bit "risky" in the skin.
Actually the recordfunction doesn not work (I know that is actually normal). When you by mistake push the "record button" the button is not "disabled"!
The result is you stay without "Skin".
Maybe it is possible to lock the "record" Button in the "Titan" until the recording is working?
"fischy667" do the same in the "streamedMP Skin too.
Unfortunaly I have not html skill to know were I have to search the part in the xml File. Mybe you can help
once again?
Hi Edalex,
sorry for my late answert. The last weeks was a litle bit stressfull.
Now I had test the last Skin files from 13.08.2015 (Post #455) whisout Record Button in the Skin File unfortunaly this Version of the Titan Skins do not work.
I am not sure why. I compare the " mystreamradio.hiddenmenu.xml" from 09.08. and 13.08 and it seems you have only "uncomment" some line for the "Record" Button in the xml.
Unvortunaly in the version of 13.08.2015 the Titan Skin do not work.
The Titan Skin from page 46 (Post#451) works fine, whisout the problem that the "record button" is not "disabled"!
sorry for the last to short defect description last time. As I whrote my last message I thought the problem that I found was only in the last rework
from the "streamradio" Titan Skin (switch off the record button).
Now after some day it seems the problem is not only a problem from this Skin file from -14-08-2015.
In the last days. I try a litle bit more and realy the problem is more difficult and it seemes the problem is maybee not only a problem whis the last Titan Skin files. Actually the situation is that 50% the skin works whisout problem and somtime when I try to use Streamradio whis the new Titan Skin for Streamradio the Skinfile will not show the Internet Radiostation after you start streamradio. When it not work it will not help to close MediaPortal only.
Normaly only a Skin Changing to StreampedMP will help, after a switch back to the new Titan Skin for Streamradio. Streamradio will work in titan Skin too.
Actually I use the following configuration:
- MediaPortal 1,12
- Streamradio 0.66 whis the latest "mystreamradio.dll" from 05.06.2015
- Radiotime
- Shoutcastradio 0.96 from so SourceForge the skinfile that I used was the
First time i thougt the problem is maybe a problem form the latest streamradio beta "mystreamradio.dll" from 05.06.2015. After I test streamradio whis "StreampedMP skin" together I can say it is unlikely because all three Internetradio aplication (radiotime,Shoutcast and streamradio) works under MediaPortal 1.12whis StremedMP whisout problem.
So it seems it is a general problem in the new Streamradio Titan skin.
I attachted a screenshots where you can see that is no channel to see in the Streamradio plugin. I hope it will be helpfull.