Plugin to change audio output device? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 13, 2005
Sydney, Australia
There seems to be a fair few requests for a feature or plug-in, for ability to change the audio output device from within the MP GUI.

Some other threads for a similar request:
Default audio renderer device for the whole MediaPortal - MediaPortal Forum

My setup is quite simple:
I have the HDMI video card hooked up to the LCD TV. The HDMI audio is currently the default windows audio renderer, playing via the TV Speakers.
I also have a stereo connection plugged in to the analogue audio out on my motherboard.

So basically, I'd like to be able to pick the audio output device (sound card) that MP will use to render audio.

Other people have the same request when trying to switch to a SPDIF output renderer as well.

The closest I've seen is an AutoHotKey script that Kills MP GUI, switches the output device and restarts the MP GUI. A greatful, but not very elegent solution.

Does anyone know if this feature or a plug-in already exists?
Alternatively, some pointers (or offers?) on how to code a plug-in?

Thanks :)


Portal Member
January 17, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany

i want to join this request.

My setup consists of a 5.1 audio system being connected to the rear out and a headphone connected at the front. Changes between both of them happen frequently. I tried my luck with vista audio changer and it sucks.

I suppose we will never see a clever solution for this being implemented. Changing the audio output device was never simple and i havent seen a workaroung so far without restarting the whole program.

Phrak: Your autohotkey script can be controlled via remote control?

Greetz, Chuckyy


Portal Pro
November 1, 2006
EDIT: It is not working, it changes the audiodevice like it should, but Mp has to be closed and restarted to make the changes effective....Damn..

Hey people, are you using vista?

Then u are in a bad situation because there is the perfect programm for windows xp!!!

see here:Quick Sound Switch

Perfect application, it can change your audiodevice with hotkeys, links(.ink) , and via the mouse its realy perfect.

I can use multishortcuts to open the quicksoundswitch.exe with some parameters (create an link within quicksoundswitch, these link will contain the correct paramters (you can see it in the properties of the link) for my audigycard and it switches to this card! you can also select which volume you want! (But i am missing a possibility to switch from analoge to digital...)


Ok other people found this also, search for QuickSoundSwitch here in the forum


MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • May 23, 2005
    I need the audio changer-plugin, too.
    I always have to switch it manually in the control panel.
    using vista (which sucks).


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • January 21, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I have developed a similiar script, which change the audio settings and the option to restart MP.

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