Port core source code from C# to VC++? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 2, 2006
Gothenburg, Sweden

First of all i would like to take the opportunity to tell everyone how much i appreciate the work you put into this awesome product! Everytime i use i think about how cool it is and how well it works, especially the latest releases since 0.2.0 RC2 and later. These are devilishly stable and full of great features!

Now down to the matter. I've been thinking about something regarding the MP Core. As far as i know, all MP sourcecode is C#. I am a software developer but i don't have that much experience with the windows environment, especially the DirectX accelerated part. However, i was thinking about porting the core to C++. Because of my, well, limited knowledge in the windows platform i have a hard time estimating how much work it would take and of course, it it's possible to replace the C# core with a C++ one? I am quite certain that it is possible, but how much has to be re-done?

The primary cause for these thoughts is of course resource efficiency, something where C# does have some disadvantages when compared to C++. I reckon MP would be a lot more efficient and less sensitive to the resource usage of other applications.

Please give me some feedback regarding this issue. What do you think? Can it be worth the effort? Does it interfere with the "general" MP development too much or is the idea just bad? I would really like to hear from you and your opinions.

Great work guys!


Portal Pro
May 18, 2004
Ifwe rewrite the core in VC, we break EVERY plugin that currently exists..

And resource issues?
come on, the price for Gigabite of RAM is so low that I don't care about 100 MB anymore..

There should be no other programs running on a HTPC anyway..

There is so much work to do, maybe you could ask the developers if You can help out in another area?


Portal Member
January 2, 2006
Gothenburg, Sweden
Thanks for the input!

I agree with your point about RAM being really cheap and that there should be no more programs and services on the HTPC than absolutely necessary. I'm just wondering if porting it would speed up MP enabling live tv for instance et.c. Not that the two seconds it take for the timeshifted-livetv is that big of a deal, just reckon that it might be a great addition since more and possibly more heavy-duty plugins like software HDTV-decoding ( or whatever, just as an example ) are probably not that far away in the future.

I would love to help with this great project. Don't have a lot of time currently though, i am in the middle of my masters' thesis. When i graduate i most certainly would want to participate in the development of MP.

If there is more information about this in another thread, please be so kind and redirect me, but in what areas do You think there might be a need for development in the summer? I've mainly been programming C/ ( Visual) C++/Java but a bit of C# too. Wouldn't mind increasing that knowledge though.. =)

Is there some thread giving information about CVS usage, "handing out" tasks to be done et.c.?

Thanks for the time!


Portal Member
June 17, 2005
sri said:
I've mainly been programming C/ ( Visual) C++/Java but a bit of C# too.
Let me put a personal comment on this: programming in Java AND C++ makes you the ideal developer to come to C# to take the best of both worlds. You keep much of the Java feeling but can get hands on the power of C++ - and get a bit of the future touch which Java has not yet reached. For my part I don't stick on a single language but try to take the best of all worlds. Currently [all very subjective opinion!] under Windows C# ist the most powerful language to develop lets say GUI or control layers where C++ still gives you power in algorithms and memory management. And .NET allows to to easily merge managed and unmanged code either explicitly using P/Invoke (a bit of JNI and much more) or implicitly / seamlessly using managed C++ in Visual Studio 2005 (with 2003 managed C++ was really pain!).

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Portal Member
January 2, 2006
Gothenburg, Sweden
This is also my opinion that C# seems more powerful, useful (and stable) than java, even though it isn't as platform independant as Java, but since MP isn't meant for any other platform than windows this isn't a problem, is it? =)

I don't think i understand you correctly; do you use C++ algorithms native in MP or do you mean that C# incorporates the C++ _way_ of implementing efficient algorithms?

I can't seem to find any information about visual studio express 2005, is it possible to use this for developing MP?

Thanks for reading my posts. Have a great day![/quote]


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    sri said:
    I can't seem to find any information about visual studio express 2005, is it possible to use this for developing MP?

    Yes, this works! 8) Only a few things that you aren't able to do.

    Just remember to open the project file for express.

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