Possible to use external player, like iTunes? (1 Viewer)


New Member
July 3, 2007
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Hi, very new to Media Portal. I see from the documentation that for watching video, you can bypass the native player and configure an external player like VLC.

Is this possible to do with Music? I have a large collection and would prefer to use iTunes for interacting with it.

I know this isn't the place, but I have the same question for Pictures, if anyone knows....I wanted to use Picasa instead of the native viewer. I'll post over in that thread if no one knows offhand here.


Portal Pro
November 9, 2006
Raleigh, NC U.S.
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United States of America United States of America
You bet that's possible. There is a WinAmp plugin and an iTunes plugin that you can use to play through those external players.

I use the iTunes plugin, and it seems to work well, and allows you to play iTMS purchased music, as well.

I am at work right now, so I can't give you the specifics right now on enabling iTunes as the external player.

I have no idea how to use an external picture viewer - or WHY you would ever need to...



New Member
July 3, 2007
Home Country
Thanks milhouse. Looking forward to details on that itunes plug-in as I can't see any reference to it in the plug-in repository....maybe it's native and I just have to configure something thru setup?

Anyway, hope things are well in Springfield

-- stupidsexyflanders


Portal Pro
November 9, 2006
Raleigh, NC U.S.
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United States of America United States of America
Correct - the iTunes plugin is part of the MP install. No additional download necessary. Run the configuration, go to the plugins, and under external players there is iTunes listed. Right click and "enable". I think that's all it takes.

Again, I'll take a look this evening and provide more details.


Portal Member
December 14, 2006
The iTunes plugin runs iTunes in the background, you still control what you want to hear through Mediaportal. Just wanted to make sure that was clear.

I love iTunes' smartplaylists but Mediaportal doesn't support them, so I have Mediaportal actually open up iTunes (through the multishortcut plugin) and I use itunes to play music rather than run it in the background. This way I have access to my smartplaylists.


New Member
July 3, 2007
Home Country
Thanks. I opened MediaPortal setup and enabled the iTunes plugin. (to appear under "my plugins") But under My Plugins it does not appear. When I launch My Music it defaults to an iTunes folder but doesn't see anything in the folder (sees it as empty).

Any suggestions?


Portal Member
December 14, 2006
You need to tell Mediaportal where your music is located. You can do this in setup. There's a Music menu, then Music folders.

There's also a Music->Database menu where you tell Mediaportal to update its database using your music folders.

Hope that helps! :)

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