Preview of my new 1080 skin & some questions (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
September 16, 2009
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
1) I would like to know where these files are referenced in the XML code. I have looked through many files and can't seem to find them. They are the graphics that make up the myHome.xml menu.

hover_my music.png
hover_my videos.png
hover_my tv series.png
hover_my weather.png


2) I want to have graphics for non-standard menu items, likje the plugins for Moving Pictures, MTV. Hulu, etc. I need to know basically how to get a reference to show those images. I think the answer to #1 might reveal a clue for this.

3) I am working on a skin for 1920 x 1080 resolutions. Is this a good idea? I would think this would be a popular native res for many modern TVs. It seems like most skins are 1280 x 720. Is scalability the issue? Do lower-res skins scale up better than the higher ones scaling down?

I would like to show a few screens from this skin, which I call "TE5LA Carbon 1080". Be gentle, this is my first skin :D






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  • April 2, 2008
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    Their name and path exists only in the plugin-code. So, you must either download the sourcecode and find the reference there or get the plugin-developer to do so...


    Portal Pro
    September 16, 2009
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Their name and path exists only in the plugin-code. So, you must either download the sourcecode and find the reference there or get the plugin-developer to do so...
    Is this in response to question 2?

    What about the standard menu items that have graphics?


    Community Skin Designer
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  • April 2, 2008
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    Is this in response to question 2?

    Yes :)

    What about the standard menu items that have graphics?
    Same same, no references in any XML-files, you can browse the /Media folder in Blue3Wide and find the most common ones. And as you wrote they're all named "hover_xxx.png"

    Here comes the problem: The developer of a plugin can choose to name the hoverfile anything he/she wants!

    So, to get the name right for every plugin you can find, you must examine the sourcecode (this is of course only for plugins where the filename is unknown to you).

    look for this part:

    public bool GetHome(out string strButtonText, out string strButtonImage, out string strButtonImageFocus, out string strPictureImage)
          // TODO:  Add TVHome.GetHome implementation
          strButtonText = GUILocalizeStrings.Get(605);
          strButtonImage = "";
          strButtonImageFocus = "";
          strPictureImage = @"hover_my tv.png"; // <-- Look here :)
          return true;

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