priority in WINLIRC (1 Viewer)


New Member
December 25, 2007
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Spain Spain
at last WINLIRC runs well with MP using both the old pluging and the new IR Server Suite, but now I have a new problem...

looks the priority doesn't go right.

I can move perfectly using my remote for all menus and I can start movies and music but when the film is playing the remote runs very very slow. I have to push on several times the same button before to be recognized. I put MP in a window and I discovered that the problem is WINLIRC. It isn't detect command in the first time when movie is playing but if I'm in Menu runs perfectly.

My PC is a P4 2,4 GHz and I believe than should be enough. I tried to fix as Realtime and High the priority in my taskmanager and finaly starting WINLIRC as service of Windows but nothing changed.

In this point, I'm blocked, please HELP!!


Portal Member
May 19, 2008
I'm experiencing the exact same problem. My guess here is that the high level OS functions required for playing back the media files at the same time as servicing the Media Portal interface are taking up a decent chunk of resources.

What this does is push the serial interrupts back in the priority queue. They're most likely being dumped most of the time instead of serviced, and in the odd interval that it does get serviced you see a response. But on average it looks like it's doing nothing. I'm pretty sure that after win 98 the HAL just decides to take over interrupt handling for things like the serial port, so an interrupt isn't guaranteed to be serviced anyway.

Which sucks.

I wonder if any USB IR users are experiencing this issue? My guess is that it would be alleviated somewhat even though USB is still technically serial. I'm tempted to build another circuit to test the theory out.

Does anyone else have feedback on this?

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