Problem in getting Philips SRM 7500 to work (1 Viewer)


MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • March 9, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I am trying to get my mce remote Philips SRM 7500 to work in MP.

    There are some nice features which I appreciated when I was using the remote with mce:

    Its HID RF based & it can show & control the music library in its lcd display.

    Seems like some HID controls, like volume, are not working with the standard HID values - it seems as they are are not recognised.
    Unfortunately, what I am missed in the HID setup in MP is somewhere a sort of "training" or test function, capturing and showing HID commands for verification for the different commands.
    Note: There is an alternative in reconfiguring the configuration file, which is mapping the keys, but I would like to avoid it if possible.

    For the 2 way RF feature, I guess there is not much hope, as I saw nothing in the forum.

    If somebody can help me out; hints or suggestions would be appreciated.



    New Member
    November 13, 2007
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    I can confirm that there is indeed problems with the Philips SRM-7500 remote, or the RF USB dongle to be a little more precise. As soon as the USB dongle is attached to the computer, MediaPortal crashes during startup. MediaPortal Configuration program also crashes. I have found other users with the same problem:

    I am using XP Professional, SP2, and MediaPortal


    2008-04-04 17:31:24.562500 [Info.][MPMain]: opening tvdatabase
    2008-04-04 17:31:24.562500 [Info.][MPMain]: tvdatabase opened
    2008-04-04 17:31:24.578125 [Info.][MPMain]: GUITVCropManager: Started
    2008-04-04 17:31:24.593750 [Info.][MPMain]: Loading references from C:\Program\MediaPortal\Skin\BlueTwo Wide\references.xml
    2008-04-04 17:31:24.593750 [Info.][MPMain]: original skin size:1366x768
    2008-04-04 17:31:24.796875 [Info.][MPMain]: xml:C:\Program\MediaPortal\Skin\BlueTwo Wide\tvOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
    2008-04-04 17:31:24.859375 [Info.][MPMain]: MusicDatabase: Opening database
    2008-04-04 17:31:24.859375 [Info.][MPMain]: MusicDatabase: Database opened
    2008-04-04 17:31:24.937500 [Info.][MPMain]: xml:C:\Program\MediaPortal\Skin\BlueTwo Wide\videoOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
    2008-04-04 17:31:24.937500 [Info.][MPMain]: Load plugins from : C:\Program\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\Dialogs.dll
    2008-04-04 17:31:24.937500 [Info.][MPMain]: Assembly Version :
    2008-04-04 17:31:24.968750 [Info.][MPMain]: Load plugins from : C:\Program\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\XihSolutions.DotMSN.dll
    2008-04-04 17:31:24.968750 [Info.][MPMain]: Assembly Version :
    2008-04-04 17:31:24.968750 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Loading windowmanager
    2008-04-04 17:31:24.968750 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Resizing windowmanager
    2008-04-04 17:31:24.968750 [Warn.][MPMain]: GraphicContext: NO screen calibration file found for resolution 720x557!
    2008-04-04 17:31:24.968750 [Info.][MPMain]: GraphicContext: MP will render at 25 FPS, use animations=False
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.109375 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker: Loaded C:\Program\MediaPortal\Cache\BlueTwo Wide\packedgfx20.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.109375 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:199
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.109375 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Initializing windowmanager
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.250000 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker: Loaded C:\Program\MediaPortal\Cache\BlueTwo Wide\packedgfx21.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.250000 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:198
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.250000 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Activating windowmanager
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.296875 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Initialized skin
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.296875 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: DX9 size: 720x557
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.296875 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Video RAM left: 696320 KByte
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.312500 [Info.][6]: Commandprocessor: Starting
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.312500 [Info.][MPMain]: Recorder: start
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.453125 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker: Loaded C:\Program\MediaPortal\Cache\BlueTwo Wide\packedgfx22.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.453125 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:196
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.484375 [Info.][MPMain]: MAP: using default mappings for DirectInput
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.531250 [Info.][MPMain]: DirectInputHandler: error in InitDeviceList
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.531250 [Info.][MPMain]: Det gjordes ett försök att läsa eller skriva till skyddat minne. Detta indikerar ofta att annat minne är skadat.
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.531250 [Info.][MPMain]: Exception : System.OutOfMemoryException: Ett undantagsfel av typen System.OutOfMemoryException inträffade.
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.531250 [Info.][MPMain]: Exception :Ett undantagsfel av typen System.OutOfMemoryException inträffade.
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.531250 [Info.][MPMain]: site :
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.531250 [Info.][MPMain]: source :
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.531250 [Info.][MPMain]: stacktrace:
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.531250 [Info.][MPMain]: MediaPortal stopped due 2 an exception Ett undantagsfel av typen System.OutOfMemoryException inträffade.
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.546875 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: MediaPortal done
    2008-04-04 17:31:25.546875 [Info.][MPMain]: MediaPortal: Unhandled exception occured


    2008-04-04 17:56:24.359375 [Info.][Config Main]: Thumbs: MediaPortal is using average thumbnails
    2008-04-04 17:56:24.359375 [Info.][Config Main]: Create new standard setup
    2008-04-04 17:56:24.453125 [Info.][Config Main]: SettingsForm constructor
    2008-04-04 17:56:24.500000 [Info.][3]: Version: Application
    2008-04-04 17:56:24.718750 [Info.][Config Main]: Loading localised Strings - Path: C:\Program\MediaPortal\Language Culture: en Language: English Prefix: True
    2008-04-04 17:56:24.734375 [Info.][Config Main]: Loading strings file: strings_en.xml
    2008-04-04 17:56:24.859375 [Info.][Config Main]: add project section
    2008-04-04 17:56:24.890625 [Info.][Config Main]: add general section
    2008-04-04 17:56:24.890625 [Info.][Config Main]: add skins section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.015625 [Info.][Config Main]: add DVD section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.031250 [Info.][Config Main]: add DVD codec section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.031250 [Info.][Config Main]: add DVD player section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.031250 [Info.][Config Main]: add DVD postprocessing section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.046875 [Info.][Config Main]: add movie section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.046875 [Info.][Config Main]: add movie shares section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.062500 [Info.][Config Main]: add movie extensions section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.062500 [Info.][Config Main]: add movie database section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.093750 [Info.][Config Main]: add movie views section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.109375 [Info.][Config Main]: add movie player section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.109375 [Info.][Config Main]: add movie postprocessing section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.109375 [Info.][Config Main]: add music section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.140625 [Info.][Config Main]: add music shares section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.140625 [Info.][Config Main]: add music extensions section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.140625 [Info.][Config Main]: add music database section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.156250 [Info.][Config Main]: MusicDatabase: Opening database
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.156250 [Info.][Config Main]: using sqlite 3.4.2
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.156250 [Info.][Config Main]: MusicDatabase: Database opened
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.156250 [Info.][Config Main]: add music views section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.156250 [Info.][Config Main]: add music sort section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.171875 [Info.][Config Main]: add music import section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.203125 [Info.][Config Main]: add music dsp section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.234375 [Info.][Config Main]: add music asio section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.234375 [Info.][Config Main]: add pictures section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.234375 [Info.][Config Main]: add pictures shares section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.234375 [Info.][Config Main]: add pictures extensions section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.234375 [Info.][Config Main]: add radio section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.250000 [Info.][Config Main]: add radio stations section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.250000 [Info.][Config Main]: add television section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.265625 [Info.][Config Main]: add tv capture cards section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.265625 [Info.][Config Main]: add tv channels section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.281250 [Info.][Config Main]: add tv channel groups section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.312500 [Info.][Config Main]: add tv program guide section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.328125 [Info.][Config Main]: add tv recording section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.343750 [Info.][Config Main]: add tv postprocessing section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.359375 [Info.][Config Main]: add tv teletext section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.359375 [Info.][Config Main]: add tv client section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.406250 [Info.][Config Main]: add USBUIRT section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.421875 [Info.][Config Main]: USBUIRT:Open
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.437500 [Info.][Config Main]: USBUIRT:uuirtdrv.dll not found
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.437500 [Info.][Config Main]: add SerialUIR section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.453125 [Info.][Config Main]: add WINLIRC section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.453125 [Info.][Config Main]: add RedEye section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.468750 [Info.][Config Main]: add DirectInput section
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.484375 [Info.][Config Main]: MAP: using default mappings for DirectInput
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.531250 [Info.][Config Main]: DirectInputHandler: error in InitDeviceList
    2008-04-04 17:56:25.531250 [Info.][Config Main]: Det gjordes ett försök att läsa eller skriva till skyddat minne. Detta indikerar ofta att annat minne är skadat.

    The last line is in Swedish and reads "There was an attempt to read or write to protected memory area"

    To bad since the this remote seems to be a really good choice, with great quality feeling, and all the Media Center buttons you need :)
    And the "SideShow" functionality would also be a great feature to have in MediaPortal.

    Any ideas of how this issue can be solved?


    Portal Pro
    January 21, 2006
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    This remote looks so cool and it's rf and ir but... did you get it to work? Yhoogi, are you getting some functionality with MP? It sounds like mar74 is having big problems with it, but are your problems the same?

    Remote sounds great in principal but of course I'm not gonna part with £75 until I know it definitely works! Please let me know how you are getting on with it.


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • March 9, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    There is an xml configuration file, mapping some remote keys to HID keyboard keys. This can be adjusted to map also the other remote keys to keyboard events. Unfortunately the HID set is not fully supported. So you can use volume control but only via keyboard mapping. Seems like the Philipps ap is not fully HID compliant which is a real annoyance as I am using zoomplayer for video playback (where the HID's are recognised) and mp for audio (where they are not).

    I didn't experienced the above problem in VISTA.

    Its a pitty that the mce sideshow functionality where you see the playlist & can select titles is not working in mp


    Portal Member
    April 24, 2008
    Home Country
    England England
    i have this remote and am yet to try media portal - is it worth installing MP RC1 on my vista media pc?

    i got to move away from MCE due to it's limitations with tv cards...

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