Problem with Dual Tuners (1 Viewer)


New Member
June 13, 2006
Hi, I have MCE computer with a ASUStek Europa II tuner in it. Everyone works fine with it but when i add a Hauppauge Nova-T card as a second tuner it causes some of the channels to not work, the 'No Tv Signal' appears. Everything appears to be as it should be.

Ive updated the Hauppauge driver and any updates that I needed. Ive got a signal booster where the Co-axial splits into the 2 cards as well.

Im lost as to what else to try. The hauppauge support say the 2 cards shouldnt conflict so what could it be?


Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom

    Need more info:

    Which version of MP using, is there a svn installed.
    Does it work ok within MCE.
    If you remove the amplifier, so you just have a straight feed to both cards is it worse, ie less channels tuning ok.



    New Member
    June 13, 2006
    Its MCE2005, it works ok. It'll record one channel and watch another etc. It just wont show certain channels.

    Without the booster its the same, it was just a suggestion by hauppauge support.


    After alot of lookin ive found that i need to change all instances of UseFreqOffsetDVBT to 167 in the registry but i have no idea where it is!

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