Problem with music database import consistency (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 19, 2008
MediaPortal Version: 1.0.0.RC2
MediaPortal Skin: Blue Two Wide
Windows Version: XP Sp2


I have a slightly weird problem with the music database, which I am hoping somebody can help with.

All my music is collected in one folder on a server, with each album being in its own subfolder.

All folders are systematically named "artist - year - album"
All files are systematically named "track# - artist - track title"

All files are flac, and have been tagged and renamed with TagRename, to avid any mis matched artist names, e.g. all The Beatles albums are tagged with "The Beatles" as opposed to Beatles or Beatles, the.

I have so far used Winamp for my music and all albums are imported correctly here, however user friendliness is not really on par with Media Portal so I would like to switch also my music collection to MediaPortal.

However what happens on import here is that even though the majority of the collection is imported correctly, and so works beautifully in artist view, there are also a some which are not imported smoothly.

One example is AC/DC, there is 13 albums under AC/DC, but then there is one album under A, one under ACDC, one under AC DC and two under AC-DC, if I look at the individual albums under AC-DC etc. they all list AC/DC is the artist under "album/artist info", and name the files accordingly in the view.

There are also some albums by other stars without any special characters in the names (e.g. Paul McCartney), that are shown under the numbers, even though "album/artist info", shows that the tag has been read correctly with album artist, album and year.

Is there any way to fix this?

Regards Kurunir

I just checked in the MyLyrics plugin which has a database viewer.

When looking there all AC/DC is under AC/DC and there is no albums listed under the numbers, so it would appear to that the database is quite ok, but the problem is in viewing the database under mediaportal?


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    All files are flac, and have been tagged and renamed with TagRename, to avid any mis matched artist names, e.g. all The Beatles albums are tagged with "The Beatles" as opposed to Beatles or Beatles, the.
    Are you talking about the Artist tag or Album Artist (band) tag??

    Also which view are you using? There are two views in MP by default. Artists and Album Artists.


    Portal Member
    January 19, 2008
    All files are flac, and have been tagged and renamed with TagRename, to avid any mis matched artist names, e.g. all The Beatles albums are tagged with "The Beatles" as opposed to Beatles or Beatles, the.
    Are you talking about the Artist tag or Album Artist (band) tag??

    Also which view are you using? There are two views in MP by default. Artists and Album Artists.

    I am using the Artist view, and the tag is the Artist tag.

    I decided to delete the music database as opposed to a rebuild, this seems to have done the trick.

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